Emeralds are one of Minecraft's rarest minerals. Gamers can obtain the mineral from villagers in the form of a trade. They can also be mined, smelted, and crafted on a crafting table.
One of the best-looking minerals in Minecraft, emeralds are generally used as currency for trading.
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What are the best uses of emeralds in Minecraft?
#5 - Decoration

Emerald is an excellent mineral to use for decoration. With its bright green color, the mineral adds a lot to a build, even in small quantities.
If players have a ton of emeralds and nothing to do with them, decoration is a great option!
#4 - Burning

It is a Minecraft myth that players who occasionally sacrifice emeralds into lava will not be visited by Herobrine while they sleep.
Whether true or not, throwing things into lava is fun! Players who have more emeralds than they know what to do with can always find fun ways to destroy them since they don't have many uses!
Also read: Minecraft's Herobrine: Everything players need to know
#3 - Beacon

Adding emeralds to a Beacon pyramid can make it look extra useful!
Again, if players have tons of leftover emeralds, they can use them in a Beacon, which provides buffs to players nearby. If they don't want to waste their other more valuable resources on the pyramid, using emeralds is highly recommended!
#2 - Weaponsmith Trades

Using emeralds at a weaponsmith is one of the best ways for players to spend those pretty minerals!
With the ability to get enchanted diamond swords and axes, players are recommended to trade with weaponsmiths as often as possible to get them to the Master level.
#1 - Armorer Trades

Armorers are arguably the best way for players to spend their emeralds.
They provide some of the best items to barter for, including enchanted diamond armor, chainmail armor, and shields.
This is an excellent option for players who want to save their hard-earned Diamonds. While each piece of enchanted diamond armor will cost 13 or more emeralds, those with tons of spare emeralds will be happy to trade with the Armorer!
Also read: What can be found inside Woodland Mansions in Minecraft?
Note: This list is not in any particular order or ranking and reflects the writer's individual opinions.
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