Minecraft is filled with items that players can use in different ways, including a fishing rod. Players might think that a fishing rod can only be used to fish in the game; however, it has several other unusual uses.
To obtain this item in the game, players can craft it with the help of sticks and strings. It can also be found in underwater ruins and by drowned zombies. To use them, players can right-click while holding them.
It is mainly used to fish and find various items in a water body. Other than this, there are other fun and practical uses of the item as well.
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5 best uses of a fishing rod in Minecraft
5) Activate pressure plates

Many players won't know this, but they can be used to activate any pressure plate, even weighted pressure plates. This might not always be useful, but if players want to set off a secret trap from afar to prevent getting hurt.
4) Reeling in mobs or players

This item can also reel in various mobs and even other players. When players use the rod towards any mob or player, the hook gets stuck on them. When pulling the hook back, it pulls in the mob or the player as well. Many players have used this while fighting mobs or other players.
3) Riding Pig

Many players don't know this, but they can ride pigs in the game as well. Players can use a saddle and fishing rod with a carrot to ride pigs. The rod can be combined with a carrot on the crafting table, and it can be used as bait to control the pig's movements.
2) Riding strider

If players venture deep into the Nether and want to cross a lava lake with the help of a strider, a fishing rod is what they need. The fishing rod can be attached with a warped fungus that attracts striders.
Hence, it can be used as bait to move them wherever players want. A saddle is also essential for players to ride them.
1) Fishing

Of course, the primary use of the item is for fishing. Via fishing, players can find all sorts of loot from the water bodies, from raw cod to rare enchanted books. Players can also apply luck of the sea enchantment on the rod to get better loot while fishing.
Note: This article is subjective and solely reflects the writer's opinion.
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