Mushrooms are a classic item in Minecraft which means they have great uses that players can take advantage of. From wonderful decorations to a great source of food, all players should collect large amounts of mushrooms.
Many players underrate mushrooms as a food source due to the fact that a bowl is required to create soup, however the various food recipes that require mushrooms can be extremely useful as a food source. The uses listed below may result in some players reconsidering their opinions of mushrooms.
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Best uses of Minecraft mushrooms
5) Huge Mushroom

Huge mushrooms are a wonderful use for excess mushrooms.
These massive mushrooms are an amazing way to add extra life to a build or project. In addition to their great decoration capabilities, huge mushrooms drop regular sized mushrooms, similar to trees and their saplings.
This chance to drop additional mushrooms makes huge mushrooms a great way to gather a large amount of mushrooms quickly.
4) Mushroom Farm

Mushroom farms are a great way to passively farm mushrooms, unlike huge mushrooms which require a more active approach.
If the player creates a large dark room and places a singular (or more) mushroom, it will eventually spread throughout the whole room as seen in the image above.
While this technique isn't as fast at gathering mushrooms compared to huge mushrooms, this farm provides passive mushroom income instead of having to break blocks and use bonemeal.
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3) Decoration

As seen in the image above, mushrooms have great decoration potential. Both the huge and small mushrooms have a nice appearance, and can add a bit of life to many builds and biomes.
Placing some mushrooms next to trees or plants provides a small, yet effective addition to the atmosphere. In addition to the esthetic upgrade, placing mushrooms as decoration will eventually lead to more mushroom, which is always great.
2) Fermented Spider Eye

When the player combines a brown mushroom with sugar and a spider eye, the result will be a fermented spider eye.
While not extremely useful, this eye can be used to create the following potions:
- Potion of Weakness
- Potion of Harming
- Potion of Slowness
- Potion of Invisibility
These potions can be changed into splash versions, which are considerably more useful.
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1) Food Source

By far, the best use for mushrooms is their food potential. The following food can be created with mushrooms in the recipe:
- Mushroom Stew
- Rabbit Stew
- Suspicious Stew
Minecraft players can never go wrong with the classic mushroom stew. It is quite cheap to craft and can be farmed easily with a mushroom farm.
The Rabbit Stew restores a huge amount of hunger, however it is quite hard to craft. If the player happens to have spare potatoes, carrots, and rabbit meat, they can make rabbit stew easily.
Suspicious Stew is the best use of mushrooms in Minecraft due to its unique status effect ability. Differing flowers provide differing status effects, and one of the best versions is the Oxeye Daisy suspicious stew, which provides regeneration.
The useful video above provides the player with all of the recipes for Suspicious Stew, each providing a different status effect.
Also read: Lanterns in Minecraft: Everything players need to know
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