Sandstone is a naturally occurring block that is commonly found in desert biomes in Minecraft.
Sandstone is an immensely useful tool for builders as it can provide much-needed block diversity for builds. Unlike sand, sandstone will not fall when placed without any block below it. Sandstone also has a different variant called Red Sandstone. The red variant can only be crafted with Red Sand.
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What are the best uses of sandstone in Minecraft?
#5 - Smooth Sandstone

Minecraft players can get Smooth Sandstone by smelting sandstone.
Smooth Sandstone has a smoother texture than the rough, cracking sandstone, while still having a sturdier structure than regular sand. Smooth Sandstone can be a useful tool in a builder's toolbar. Red Sandstone also has a smooth version.
#4 - Cut Sandstone

Players will receive Cut Sandstone by combining four sandstones in a square in a crafting table/inventory.
Cut Sandstone is similar to Smooth Sandstone but provides a little more structure. Players are more likely to use Cut Sandstone for buildings due to its blocky nature. Red Sandstone also has a cut variant.
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#3 - Chiseled Sandstone

Chiselled Sandstone is the most unique of the custom Sandstone blocks.
Players will get Chiseled Sandstone by crafting sandstone slabs and putting two on top of each other in a crafting table/inventory. This block has a Creeper face chiselled into it. It is naturally found in the Desert Temples.
Red Chiseled Sandstone looks slightly different.
#2 - Sandstone Wall

Sandstone can also be used to make Sandstone Walls.
Used for more than just decoration, one-block high sandstone walls cannot be jumped over like a regular sandstone. With that being said, creating a wall of regular sandstone does not look very good.
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#1 - Sandstone Stairs

Sandstone can also be used to craft Sandstone Stairs.
Players can craft two versions of Sandstone Stairs: smooth and regular. Using sandstone stairs for builds is highly recommended, specifically for roofs and general decoration.
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