Spider eyes are one of the most used brewing items in Minecraft. Spiders are among the first hostile mobs that were added to Minecraft.
Spiders are a common mob, which can spawn when the light level is below seven. There are two types of spiders in Minecraft: Normal Spider and Cave Spider.
Players can get strings and spider eye by killing them. Spiders are among the few mobs whose spawners can generate naturally in a Minecraft world. Players can find these spider spawners in Mineshafts.
Spider Eyes are used to brew different types of potions in Minecraft. Here are the top five uses of spider eye in Minecraft.
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Top 5 uses of Spider Eye in Minecraft
#5 - Food Source

Eating spider eyes may sound gross, but spider eyes are edible in Minecraft. A spider eye recovers two hunger points. However, there is a huge downside to eating them. Eating a spider eye gives a poison effect for four seconds.
Players can remove the poison effect by quicking drinking a bucket of milk or honey bottle.
#4 - Fermented Spider Eye

One of the primary uses of spider eye is to make a fermented spider eye. Players can craft one fermented spider eye using a spider eye, sugar, and brown mushroom. Fermented spider eye is used to brew different types of potions in Minecraft.
#3 - A Balanced Diet Advancement

To complete "A Balanced Diet" Advancement, players need to eat 40 types of unique food items in Minecraft. Spider eye is one of those 40 food items.
Advancement Hunters will eventually have to eat a spider eye to complete this advancement. Eating one spider eye poisons the player for four seconds, which deals four hearts of damage.
#2 - Potion of Poison

Players need a spider eye to brew three potions of poison. There is no other way to brew poison potions in Minecraft. Players can also turn potions of poison into splash poison potions.
These potions are perfect against other players in PvP battles. Using a fermented spider eye, players can turn a potion of poison into a potion of harming. Potion of harming does instant damage to players.
#1 - Potions with negative effects

Without spider eyes, players cannot brew potions with negative effects. A Fermented Spider eye is required to brew them.
Players need a Fermented Spider eye to brew potions of harming, potions of slowness, potions of weakness, and potions of invisibility. These potions are extremely useful in PVP and survival words. Splash potion of weakness is also necessary to cure a zombie villager in Minecraft.
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