It can be quite upsetting to die due to falling from a high place in Minecraft. Unfortunately, taking fall damage is one of the most common ways to die in Minecraft. This is easily preventable.
Many professional Minecraft players utilize lots of fall damage prevention methods during their gameplay. Knowing these techniques often saves time during Minecraft speed runs.
*This article is subjective and reflects the views of the author*
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Ways to avoid taking fall damage in Minecraft
5) Ender pearl

Ender pearls teleport players to wherever they’ve thrown the item, so it can come in handy while in a deathly in-game scenario. This includes falling from heights with no method of saving oneself from hitting the ground too hard.
If a Minecraft player can toss an ender pearl to a safe location as they’re falling, there is a chance they will be safe if the pearl lands before the player reaches the ground.
However, sometimes pearls will not land in time. Plus, players will still experience some minor fall damage when teleporting via an ender pearl.
Although it doesn’t completely negate the chance of taking fall damage, ender pearls are great to use in a pinch and one of the easiest methods of preventing a fall damage death.
4) MLG bucket tricks

Every experienced Minecraft player surely knows about the MLG water bucket trick. This is a super clutch and skillful move with the sole purpose of preventing fall damage.
Placing water on the block directly below where a player is going to land, and likely die, will break the fall entirely. It is not possible to take fall damage when landing in water, so gamers could also utilize any nearby pre-existing water sources if they end up falling from a tall place where this could be applicable.
This method can be somewhat difficult to pull off without practice. Many gamers tend to use this strategy while fighting the ender dragon since it is so common to be flung to insane heights by the boss mob.
There is even a new MLG bucket clutch for Minecraft players to utilize with the addition of powder snow in the 1.17 Minecraft update. A bucket of powder snow will do the same thing in the nether that water buckets can do for players in the overworld or the end in terms of preventing fall damage.
3) Boat

Boats are an incredibly versatile Minecraft element that can come in handy when attempting to avoid fall damage. In fact, there are many ways to prevent fall damage using just boats alone.
Boats can be used similarly to the MLG bucket trick. Or, players can hop into boats prior to jumping off of a ledge with a huge drop and simply boat down manually.
Anyone who watches popular YouTuber Dream’s manhunt video series is familiar with some of the insane boat clutches he has been able to pull off, including crafting a boat mid-air and riding a ghast while in a boat to avoid falling into lava. With enough practice, other Minecraft gamers can pull off these tricks too.
2) Potion of slow falling

One of the best ways to prevent fall damage in Minecraft is already built into the game. The Minecraft developers surely understand how frustrating falling from high places can be, so there is a potion that can be brewed in order to avoid this: potion of slow falling.
The basic ingredients needed are one water bottle, one nether wart and one phantom membrane. Players who drink this potion will be able to fall from any height and float down to the ground slowly, taking no damage whatsoever.
Of course, all Minecraft potions only have temporary effects and will not last forever. While slow falling potions are incredibly effective, gamers should keep the time factor in mind.
1) Feather falling

A more permanent in-game method of preventing fall damage is perhaps the best option overall. Feather falling is an enchant available only for boots, and yet it is one of the most useful enchants in the entire game.
When applied to boots, feather falling affords players similar effects as slow falling potions. Gamers will fall slower when jumping from tall places and take significantly less damage. The higher the feather falling enchant is, the more effective this method will be.
While armor does eventually break after a period of time, enchanting feather falling boots with mending ensures a permanent solution to avoiding fall damage in a long-term Minecraft survival world.
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