The world of Minecraft is similar to real life on Earth. There are different biomes (desert, plains, mountains), trees, animals, and more. Below the surface level, players can find caves, ravines, lava pools, and mineral ores.
Mineral ores are one of the most common reasons to dig underground. Coal, iron, and gold were the first ores added to Minecraft. In later future updates, developers have added many new types of ores with different rarities.
While most ores can be found in the overworld, some ores also generate in the nether realm. Ore generation depends on height levels and can vary from biome to biome.
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Best ways to get rare ores in Minecraft
5) Don't be in the wrong biome
All overworld ores can be found in all biomes, except emerald ore. Players can only find emerald ore in mountain biomes. Emerald ore generates from Y level 3 to 31. Unlike other ores, emerald ores do not generate in the form of ore veins. That's why they are one of the rarest ores in Minecraft.
Gold is found abundantly in the badlands biome. They generate at a much higher height than usual in the badlands biome. Players looking for gold ores can profit from badlands.
4) Mine at the right height level

Each ore generates between certain height levels and is concentrated at a specific Y level. Players can mine at the following levels to obtain rare ores like diamonds, emeralds, and ancient debris.
- Diamond ores generate below Y level 16 but are common at Y 11
- Emerald ores generate between Y level 3 to 31 in mountain biomes.
- Ancient debris can generate anywhere between Y level 0 to 128 but are common at Y15.
3) Strip mining

Strip mining is one of the oldest mining techniques yet works like a charm. In strip mining, players make two-block tall tunnels to find ores. Players can strip mine at the height levels mentioned above.
After mining a long-distance, players can create small tunnels going both left and right to cover the maximum area, as shown in the image.
2) Explore caves and ravines

Exploration is one of the main aspects of Minecraft. By exploring caves and ravines, players can find ore veins easily. However, caves and ravines below Y level 16 can have diamond ores. Players can try searching ocean ravines for diamonds, as most of the time, they generate deep up to Y level 11-15.
1) Explosion

Due to its high blast resistance, players can use explosive items to find ancient debris. Beds are a cheap way to get ancient debris in Minecraft as they explode when a player tries to sleep in the nether realm. However, players can easily protect themselves from explosion damage by putting a solid block in front of them.
Disclaimer: This article reflects the author's views.
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