Redstone is one of the most interesting and useful resources in Minecraft that isn't used as often as it should be.
Some players can't seem to get ahold of it to feasibly work with it, while others see it as a daunting challenge that could either be put off for another day or entirely.
To give these mastermind mechanisms a spotlight and to encourage other players to take their own shot, the following list presents the top five Redstone machines in Minecraft.
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Top 5 Minecraft Redstone machines
#5 - Minecraft fountains, pools, and tubs
These are not wild contraptions, but some of the best because they're simple to understand and compose, aesthetically pleasing, and relatable to the desires of many players.
Most players have found themselves designing a house, decorating the kitchen with food items in frames, putting couches in the living room, and placing a tub in the bathroom. Perhaps, a pool in the backyard or a fountain in the garden. These can all be perfected with Redstone.
#4 - Hidden entrances
There are a number of ways that a player could make a hidden entrance (or exit) in Minecraft.
This could be the deciding factor if a player gets looted. Nobody likes to have their hard-earned or found items stolen from them. To prevent this, a hidden entrance is a key factor.
A good example is hidden stairs, which can be made with pistons tucked in the walls and activated discretely in a fireplace or behind a painting.
#3 - Note block machine
A way to incorporate some musical magic into a Minecraft world is through a note block machine.
While these have the potential to get complicated, considering the different ways to tune the blocks and add various sounds and beats, the average player can achieve and master that.
These can start off very simple and are super fun to put together. Minecraft players can get in touch with their musical side and have a sweet serenade in the background as they do other things, like bully the Wither.
#2 - Minecraft bridge builder
Bridge builders in Minecraft have proven to be useful to players, especially in the Nether and in ravines.
If instructions get miscommunicated or misunderstood, the machine may not work right away, but it's more than likely nothing that can't be fixed with a different block placement.
#1 - TNT cannon
TNT cannons have been popular apparatuses for years. They have been used in combat, defense, and mining.
These are pleasurable to put together and even more so to fire. Activating one of these cannons feels so powerful and lighthearted at the same time.
Basic Redstone supplies are used to put these together: pistons, repeaters, Redstone dust, slime, etc.
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