The moment Minecraft players enter a new world, they break wood blocks from a tree and craft a crafting table. This table is extremely essential in the game since all other items need to be crafted using it. There are hundreds of crafting recipes for almost any item and block, which players either need to remember or find from the book menu inside the crafting table GUI.
However, newcomers might not know some of the crafting recipes in Minecraft. Some blocks and items are still alien to many players who are relatively new to the sandbox game, simply because they are not that necessary to have or use to progress forward.
Note: This article is subjective and solely reflects the writer's opinion. Also, it is targeted at newcomers who may not know these recipes. Experienced players may know them already.
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10 crafting recipes in Minecraft that you might not know about
10) Fletching Table

Though players cannot do anything on the fletching table, it can be crafted using four planks and two flint items. It is only useful as a jobsite block to turn villagers into fletchers.
9) Pumpkin Pie

Pumpkins are used in various ways, but there is only one crafting recipe to use them as a food item. Players can craft a pumpkin pie by combining a regular or carved pumpkin, one sugar, and one egg. The pie can replenish four hunger bar points and give 4.8 saturation points.
8) Rabbit Stew

While players usually consume steak and porkchop to replenish hunger and health bars, there is another food item that is much better in doing so. Rabbit stew can be crafted via the crafting table using a baked potato, carrot, cooked rabbit, red mushroom, and a bowl. This food item can replenish five hunger bar points and give 12 saturation points.
7) Daylight Detector

If players want a redstone-activated block that switches on or off based on the time of day, they can craft a daylight sensor. This lesser known item can be crafted using three glass blocks, nether quartz, and wooden slabs. It can then be connected to any redstone contraption, and it must be explosed to the sky to work properly.
6) Glazed Terracotta

Glazed Terracotta is a brilliant block that players can use to decorate the structures they make in the game. First they need to dye regular terracotta blocks that can be found in Badlands biome. After the blocks are dyed on the crafting table, they need to be smelted in a furnace to obtain glazed terracotta blocks.
5) Leather Horse Armor

Though most of the horse armor cannot be crafted and needs to be found as chest loot, players can craft the leather horse armor. To craft it, they need seven leather items.
4) Lodestone

A lodestone block is extremely useful as it connects with a compass and becomes a point towards which that compass points to. To craft this, players need to combine eight chiseled stone blocks and one netherite ingot. Since the latter are extremely rare and hard to obtain, many don't craft it.
3) Respawn Anchor

A Respawn anchor is a useful block that allows players to set their respawn points in the Nether by using glowstone blocks. To craft this block, users need to combine six crying obsidian blocks and three glowstone blocks. It can then be fed glowstone blocks to charge it.
2) End Crystals

Though new players might think that end crystals are only found in the main end island and need to be destroyed, they can be crafted manually as well. Gamers will need a ghast tear, eye of ender, and seven glass blocks to craft it.
1) Golden Apple

Though new players could initially find golden apples as chest loot, these super food items can be crafted as well. To craft a golden apple on a crafting table, gamers will need eight gold ingots and a regular apple.
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