Minecraft's list of mobs continues to grow, including the upcoming Warden mob as part of the version 1.19 update. The Warden is a new boss-type mob that inhabits the deep dark cave biome, but some players may be curious as to whether it shares any similarities with other mobs.
As a hostile mob, the question of whether the Warden has anything in common with common zombie mobs arises. Although the Warden has yet to be fully released as part of The Wild Update, there is plenty of information available on the new mob, enough to compare it to other hostile mobs like zombies.
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Minecraft Warden and zombie mob comparison

Though they share similarities in a few places, the Warden and zombies are very different mobs in Minecraft. The Warden, for example, is a boss-like mob that exists solely within a single biome. Zombies are found nearly anywhere in Minecraft and can be defeated fairly quickly. Compared to fragile zombies, the Warden is virtually indestructible with a massive health count.
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While zombies are capable of tracking a player by sight, the Warden is blind in Minecraft, needing to hear or feel vibrations left by players in order to pursue them. When they find their target, zombies must strike players several times to kill them, while Wardens can one-hit kill targets that aren't well-armored. Interestingly enough, they exhibit similar behaviour in one area as both mobs are weak to sunlight and erupt into flames when exposed to it directly.
Although players can distract the Warden with projectiles like snowballs and arrows, zombies have a single-minded approach and will relentlessly pursue targets until they escape the zombies' notice.
To help them in their offensive pursuit, some zombies spawn equipped with Minecraft gear like helmets, body armor, and weapons. The Warden on the other hand is strong enough without them, simply smashing opponents with its bare hands and brute strength.
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For players that upset zombies or the Warden, there's a significant difference in the two mobs' movement speed as well. While zombies tend to shamble (though small zombies are quite fast) towards players and villagers, the Warden charges its targets head-on once it has honed in on their location. In nearly every way imaginable, the Warden is more dangerous and more frightening than the garden variety zombie.
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