There are several game modes in the Minecraft 1.19 update that players can choose to play. Although the most famous and played one is single-player survival, there are several other ways to enjoy the vast world of the sandbox title.
Over the years, the game has come a long way, and Mojang has added several types of game modes.
The type of game mode depends on what users want to do in-game. Whether they want the original experience or to play with loads of others in a common custom map, there is a game mode for everything.
While most game modes come free, one of them requires a subscription.
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Detailing all five game modes in Minecraft 1.19 update
1) Single-player survival mode
When gamers enter the title for the first time, they mainly start a normal survival mode where they will explore the vast world, fight hostile mobs, and progress to defeat the Ender Dragon.
In this mode, players will have ten hearts of health; if they die, they will respawn near a respawn anchor. Users need to mine and break each block to obtain it and will not be able to use any commands if they do not toggle cheats.
2) Single-player creative mode
Creative mode is another fascinating game mode. It is entirely different from survival mode since players can do almost anything.
First, they will notice no hunger or heart bars, indicating that users will not take any damage from external factors like mobs, fall damage, lava damage, etc.
They will also have the entire collection of blocks available to them in their inventory. Gamers can break blocks instantly without using any tool.
If cheats are allowed in this mode, they will also be able to input commands and take more control of the game.
3) Single-player hardcore mode (Java Edition only)
When players play in the normal survival mode, they can choose from three difficulty levels. This will determine the amount of damage external factors inflict on them.
The hardcore mode is the most challenging game mode since it locks the difficulty level on hard. Additionally, users will only have one life and will not respawn normally if killed, making the game even more challenging.
4) Multiplayer servers
If players are bored of playing in the vast world alone, they can hop into thousands of multiplayer servers and play with millions of others all across the globe. This is a game mode bustling with users since the title becomes much more fun with other gamers and custom mini-games.
They will need a good internet connection to play here since lag can hamper the gaming experience. There are loads of servers to choose from, like Hypixel, 2b2t, ManaCube, Mineplex, Complex Gaming, etc.
5) Realms server
If gamers do not want to join a public server with thousands of strangers, they can get a private realms server where they can play with friends. It is a unique game mode as it requires an additional subscription fee.
Since players are playing on a private server created by Mojang, it takes a small fee to run perfectly. This game mode also offers several mini-games to keep them hooked.
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