Iron is one of the most vital materials in Minecraft, and it has recently seen a bit of a redistribution with the Caves & Cliffs update.
With the new ore distributions in Minecraft 1.18, players may be confused as to where the iron ore is heavily concentrated. Fortunately, iron's redistribution has given players more locations to find it in high numbers. The addition of ore veins is also a huge implementation, as they are capable of winding through a large part of the stone layer in which they typically reside. This helps players collect a considerable amount of iron in a single mining session.
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Minecraft: The best height coordinates for iron ore

After Minecraft 1.18's ore distribution, iron ore can now be generated in batches. Iron ore generates in three total batches, with each batch containing blobs or small pockets of iron ore blocks that can range anywhere from 0 to 13 total blocks in a cluster. These three batches generate in different ranges of height levels, and players need to head to the core of these batches in order to maximize the number of ores they can find.
For iron ore in Minecraft: Java Edition, the first batch of iron ore generates between height levels Y=128 to Y=320. The second batch generates from levels Y=-24 to Y=54, and the third batch appears between levels Y=-63 to Y=64. In order to maximize iron mining, players need to head to level Y=255 for the first batch, Y=15 for the second batch. However, the third batch distributes iron evenly across all of its levels.
In Minecraft: Bedrock Edition, iron ore still generates in three batches, but in slightly different distributions. Batch one generates between levels Y=128 and Y=320 with level Y=255 being the most bountiful. Batch two generates between levels Y=-24 and Y=54 with iron ore concentrating on Y=15. Batch three in Bedrock Edition is also evenly distributed, predominantly between levels Y=-63 and Y=64, similar to Java Edition. In its essence, iron ore has its highest concentrations high into the sky, typically in mountain biomes, as well as deep underground.
It is also worth noting that there is one more location that Minecraft players should keep in mind when it comes to mining iron ore, which is throughout the deepslate layer of the world between levels Y=0 and Y=-63. Inside the deepslate layer, players can find sporadic veins of iron ore made of ore blocks, tuff, and blocks of raw iron. These veins can contain a huge amount of mineable iron, so if players spot one while digging in deepslate, they should most certainly take advantage of it.
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