Woodland mansions are one of the most mysterious structures in Minecraft.
They are extremely rare and are over 25 thousand blocks away from the player's spawn point. This is why many players don't even bother searching for them, as they would have to commit a lot of time that can be spent elsewhere. As a result, many players are unaware of what lurks within them.
Also read: How to find a Woodland Mansion in Minecraft
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What is inside Woodland Mansions in Minecraft?

Woodland mansions have no shortage of hostile mobs. The mobs are listed below:
Being the strongest mob in the mansion, Evokers are the only way for players to acquire Totems of Undying. They are extremely dangerous spellcasters who prefer to stay at a distance from the player and cast spells. If the player gets too close, they will run away to get to a more advantageous spot.
Also very dangerous, the Vindicator wields an Iron Axe and sprints towards the player. They can disable a player's shield with their axe, so players are advised to defeat them from a distance. Players must also be aware that they can break down doors in Normal and Hard difficulty, so running into a room with a door isn't a viable strategy.
Other normal mobs such as Zombies and Skeletons will also spawn in the woodland mansion, as it is dark enough inside for them to spawn.
Also read: What does a Soul Campfire do in Minecraft?

The following loot can be found inside woodland mansions in Minecraft:
- Various Flowers
- Totems of Undying (from Evokers)
- Rails
- Carved Pumpkin
- Carpet
- Obsidian
- Block of Diamond
- Cauldron
- Anvil
- Various Wool
- Lava
- Treasure Chests (random loot)
While woodland mansions have tons of great loot, most players search for them in the hopes of obtaining multiple Totems of Undying. Unfortunately, this is no easy task as players will have to be strong enough to defeat multiple Evokers to get them.
The long trip to find a woodland mansion is mainly worth it due to the Totems of Undying. If the player has no interest in obtaining them, the other loot found there can be easily obtained through other methods.
Also read: How to repopulate a village in Minecraft
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