Minecraft is full of different blocks that can either be found naturally or crafted by the player. Some blocks are rarer than others because they generate a lot less. Diorite, however, is a very common block that can be found in large numbers in the ground. Players can mine it using any type of pickaxe.
Diorite blocks look like a mixture of quartz and cobblestone blocks. Not many players enjoy using them in their builds, but some have built beautiful structures like castles using diorite. Diorite has the same blast resistance as stone as well. This means creeper explosions will not cause a lot of damage to things built using diorite blocks.
Uses of diorite in Minecraft
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Most players have a lot of diorite blocks lying around in chests they acquired from their mining sessions. They can trade them with stone mason villagers in return for emeralds.
However, players will have to level up the trader to Journeyman for it to offer emeralds in exchange for diorites. The probability of it making this trade offer is 28.5%.
Players can also convert a mason into a zombie and cure it to make the trades cheaper. A trader that has been cured gives a permanent discount. To cure a zombie villager, players need to use a splash potion of weakness on it and feed it a golden apple.

Diorite can be used to craft a handful of items: andesite, diorite slab, polished diorite slab, diorite stairs, polished diorite stairs, diorite wall, stonecutter and granite.
Players can also make slabs and stairs of both normal and polished andesite and diorite walls with stonecutters.

Even though a lot of Minecrafters hate diorite, it can look good when used correctly. Castles made using polished diorite and dark prismarine are eye-catching due to the texture of diorite blocks. Polished diorite blocks look beautiful when used as flooring in houses and some other builds.
Producing bass drum sounds
Diorite blocks and their polished variants can be placed under note blocks to create a "bass drum" sound. For those unaware, note blocks are musical blocks that produce sound when the player powers it using redstone.
Also Read: How to Make Stairs in Minecraft: Materials, Crafting Guide, Uses
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