Netherite is one of the most precious metals in Minecraft. It is one of the most sought after set materials and also one of the rarest.
Not only is netherite notoriously difficult to find, but the ore of ancient debris that it often comes in first is difficult to mine as well. Netherite is incredibly strong and even one of the strongest blocks in all of Minecraft.
Fastest ways to get netherite in Minecraft
Although it can be hard to obtain overall, there are plenty of ways Minecraft players can get netherite in a hurry with enough determination and dedication.
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One of the fastest ways to get netherite in Minecraft is by blowing up large chunks of blocks within the nether, with the best place to look between Y level 15 - 21. Destroying as many blocks as possible at once will eventually reveal the ancient debris that can be later turned into netherite.
This can be done successfully by using TNT or beds. TNT will of course explode once activated, while beds will blow up if used in any dimension other than the overworld, so gamers should be careful not to blow themselves up too.
Most blocks won’t withstand the blast from the explosion, but ancient debris is so strong of a block that it will remain unscathed. After blowing up a chunk of blocks, there is a chance an ore of ancient debris will reveal itself. However, gamers should always be sure to have a diamond pickaxe at the ready when this does happen.
However, mining for ancient debris can be tedious. Plus, it is only the first step in obtaining a large collection of netherite. While blowing up the nether will provide ancient debris fast for players, netherite will still take some work after that.
Bastion Remnants

Another way to obtain netherite quickly in Minecraft is by going into bastion remnants. In these structures, the chances of finding netherite are higher than they are anywhere else.
There are many loot chests within the bastion remnants, and inside most loot chests, there is a chance of netherite scraps to generate. In treasure chests, there is always a 24% chance of finding netherite scraps. In all the other chests, the chance is less likely but still probable.
Finding bastions isn’t always too difficult, but it can sometimes be exhausting. Plus, fighting against the terrifying piglin brutes is always a tough task. The worst of this, is that all piglins in bastions will attack players who open chests around them, so searching for netherite within a bastion is quite difficult.
Overall, getting netherite is simply time-consuming no matter what. Players should explore their options to see which method works fastest for them.
For a more in-depth guide to finding netherite in the most efficient ways, check out this YouTube video:
Note: The article reflects the views of the writer.
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