Minecraft is teeming with endless worlds. Once the world generation became infinite in the 0.9 update in 2014, there were no limits to what players could encounter in Minecraft. One can travel endlessly in a Minecraft world because it will keep generating without fail.
The only limit in the Minecraft world is vertically, in both directions. Bedrock usually begins spawning around Y level 4 but players can get as low as level 0 (for now, the 1.17 Update part 2 will make it go as low as -64). Going up, however, it's not as common to reach the limit.
In Minecraft, the sky is literally the limit because there is a level that can't be surpassed when building up. This is known as the height limit.
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Height limit in Minecraft
Building in Minecraft has its limits. Despite its boundless creativity, Minecraft has a build limit which stands at 256 blocks.
The pinnacle of the game environment is Y level 255, however, the top face of the highest block can be placed at Y level 256. However, this is only the build limit, which is a little different than the height limit.
While building blocks can't get up to this level, there is a much higher one that Minecraft players can reach. Unfortunately, it's really only accessible in Creative mode with the flying method. Fireworks and an elytra could also get players up there, but using Creative mode is much quicker and easier.

The maximum height a Minecraft player could possibly get to is Y level 2,147,483,647, because that is the largest value of an integer on the 32-bit system.
Going past this limit will probably cause the game to become unresponsive and even crash. On consoles, the height limit is Y level 511 because of the invisible wall.
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