Minecraft players can find armor around the world in six different variants. These include leather, gold, iron, diamond, chain, and netherite. Each of these variants of armor provides a different degree of protection to the player.
Players can craft armor using resources found around the world, or they can find it inside chests and as dropped treasure loot from mobs. Armor can be found enchanted or unenchanted, and players can place enchantments on it themselves too.
Players can craft armor using leather (the least durable armor), gold (breaks easily), iron (very good armor, good starter armor), diamonds (the best armor for players to have before upgrading to netherite), Netherite (the best armor for players to have in Minecraft, only obtainable through diamond armor.)
How is armor used in Minecraft
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What is it used for?

Armor has one true purpose in Minecraft and that is to provide the player with protection. Armor is very important to have in Minecraft, as it will save the player a lot of health.
Armor is essential when players are going to fight bigger mobs such as the Ender dragon, Wither, and especially the new warden mob that will appear in the winter update of Minecraft.
Players will notice that when opening the inventory menu, they will see special slots for armor to be placed in. The different armor pieces include the helmet, chestplate, leggings, and boots.
Players will be able to place each of these items in their own slot in the inventory menu. This will equip the player with armor. Armor will provide the player with general protection from all hazards around the Minecraft world.
Players will take even less damage from lava when armor is equipped. Players can find enchanted armor as rare drops from mobs or inside chests, but they can even craft the armor themselves.
How to craft it

Armor can be crafted easily using a crafting table. For a full set of armor, players will need 24 pieces of material. For example, to craft a full set of iron armor, players will need 24 iron ingots.
The helmet requires five pieces, the chestplate requires eight, the leggings require seven, and the boots require four. All of the listed armor can be crafted using a crafting table, except for chain armor.
Chain armor is rare in Minecraft, and it can only be obtained by mob drops or by trading with villagers. Players cannot craft it on a table.
Enchanting it

Enchantments can also be placed on armor in Minecraft. There are several different enchantments for players to place on armor to make it more protective.
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