There are several different potions in Minecraft that grant players with different effects. Players can also create their own potions in the game by using a brewing stand, or they can get them via commands.
One of the best effects that players can get from potions is Luck. Players can craft a splash potion of Luck that will last for five minutes or a lingering potion of Luck that will last for a minute and fifteen seconds.
Unfortunately, potions of Luck cannot be crafted in Minecraft. Players will have to find it inside a chest, add it to their inventory via the creative menu or get it by using a command.
The command to get a potion of luck would be "/give @p minecraft luck." This should place one Luck potion in the player's inventory. Although the Luck potion cannot be brewed, the splash potion of Luck & lingering potion can be brewed by the players.
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To craft a splash potion of Luck, players will need to combine one Luck potion, one gunpowder and then place the powder in the brewing stand.
To craft a lingering Luck potion, players will need to combine blaze powder, any splash potion and Dragon's Breath in the brewing stand. The Luck potion is a great potion in Minecraft, however the real question is what exactly does it do?
What does the Potion of Luck do in Minecraft
What is it?

The potion of Luck will grant players with a status effect that increases their chances of finding better loot when fishing, or looting naturally generated chests around the Minecraft world.
The higher the level of potion that the player consumes, the chance that they will find better loot in the game also increases. Players can remove the Luck effect by drinking milk in the game.
The Luck effect is similar to the Luck of the Sea enchantment which increases the chances of finding rare loot that players will get when fishing in the game. Players can inflict this effect on themselves by using the potion and to increase their chances of getting better loot.
If the players are looking for a specific piece of loot, however rare it might, Luck is the best effect to use to increase their chances of finding it.
Note: The views expressed are the writer's own.
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