Minecraft uses many mechanics and additional activities to spruce up its already entertaining gameplay. Mechanics like exploration, building, crafting, and combat form the core of the game, with each tailored to suit every individual player.
While the mechanics above focus on the various aspects of gameplay, one, in particular, focuses on strengthening the user’s gear and other items. This aspect is known as enchanting.
This method is used to imbue gamers’ weapons, tools, armor, books, and more with qualities that strengthen or amplify their pre-existing aspects. An enchanting table is needed to select and apply different enchantments to any items they put inside the table.
Additionally, specific amounts of Lapis Lazuli and experience levels are needed to carry out enchanting. This article will talk about an interesting enchantment called “Multishot”.
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Multishot enchantment in Minecraft: Everything players need to know
The Multishot enchantment is specifically designed for crossbows in Minecraft. It allows players to shoot three arrows instead of the default one, making for a much larger radius for the arrows’ impact.
While a crossbow imbued with this enchantment shoots three arrows, only one arrow is consumed out of the player’s inventory. Minecrafters can also shoot firework rockets instead of normal arrows.

A crossbow, imbued with the Multishot enchantment, shoots its three arrows around 10 degrees apart from each other. Out of the three, only one (the central one) can be collected back and put into the player’s inventory.
While the multishot enchantment seems excellent for combat, in theory, a contradiction within the game’s mechanics does not allow it to work as well as it should. Due to a game mechanic called “damage immunity”, any mob on the receiving end of the crossbow’s triple shot attack will take only one arrow’s worth of damage.
This makes any crossbow enchanted with Multishot a better weapon for clearing hoards of enemies than a single one.
Damage immunity
Damage immunity can be seen at work in the form of afflicted mobs turning red upon receiving damage. This grants the mob damage immunity for half a second. During this period, all other sources of damage are either rendered invalid or are reflected off.
Another aspect that further downplays the Multishot enchantment’s credibility in Minecraft is that, when applied to a crossbow, it makes the weapon consume three times the durability as compared to a crossbow not enchanted by multishot. The durability runs out pretty quickly if gamers use it repeatedly.
Enchantments are a great way to spruce up Minecraft’s gameplay and introduce new abilities to the game’s weapons and other gear pieces. The Multishot enchantment is one of three weapon-specific enchantments a crossbow can be enchanted with. The other two are quick charge and piercing.
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