Respawn anchors are useful blocks within Minecraft, especially for players who enjoy venturing into the Nether.
The functionality of respawn anchors are similar to a bed; it controls where players respawn. Respawn anchors can only be used in the Nether, and the anchor must be charged for it to work.
Each time the anchor is used, the charge goes down by one number. Anchors can be obstructed. This suggests that they've been destroyed or lost charge. Whenever this happens, the player will be told they cannot respawn.
With a respawn anchor, players can respawn in the Nether even if they die in the overworld.
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Using a respawn anchor in Minecraft
Crafting recipe and materials

Above is the crafting recipe for a respawn anchor. The materials players will need are:
- Six crying obsidians
- Three glowstones
Gathering the materials

Glowstones can be found scattered around the Nether in Minecraft. It is a common spawning block, which makes it easy to locate. When mined, the blocks will drop glowstone dust, which can easily be crafted back into glowstone by putting the dust into a 2x2 square in a crafting table. It can also be mined with a silk-touch enchanted pickaxe.

Crying obsidian can be obtained in a few different ways.
Crying obsidian sometimes generates in ruined portals, as shown above. Keep in mind a diamond pickaxe is needed to mine it.
Piglins also have around an 8.71% chance of giving crying obsidian whenever given a gold ingot.
Chests in bastion remnant structures can also hold crying obsidian.
Charging respawn anchors

Right-clicking on the respawn anchor with a block of glowstone in hand will charge the anchor. Four glowstone blocks can be added. Once the respawn anchor is fully charged, the middle's gold circle will be fully lit up. Players can then right-click the anchor again to set their spawn point.
Players should ensure that they are only placing respawn anchors in the Nether. If they are placed in the overworld, the anchor will explode.
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