Soul campfires provide a few decent uses for Minecraft players. Soul campfires repel any Piglins in the nearby area due to its bright blue light. This can be very useful in certain areas in the Nether, such as the Bastion Remnants.
Since soul campfires look objectively great, they can be used as decoration for bold builders.
Another great feature of soul campfires is that they do not melt ice like a regular campfire. This will prove useful for the arctic crafters out there.
Soul campfires were added to Minecraft in Update 1.16 and have been widely used by players since then. You can even use them in Minecraft 1.17 and Minecraft 1.18 updates.
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How to craft soul campfires in Minecraft
Soul campfires in Minecraft can be crafted similarly to regular campfires, except the charcoal in the center needs to be swapped with Soul Soil. They can be quite easily crafted in bulk if the player has access to soul soil. The process to do it is pretty simple.
Where to find Soul Soil?

Soul soil can only be found in the Soul Sand Valley biome. If the player lights a fire on soul soil, it will turn into soul fire, which looks like the fire on the soul campfire.
Using a shovel on soul soil is recommended.

Soul campfires can also convert soul sand into soul soil, which is wonderful as soul soil can be used to make a basalt generator.
Soul soil can also be paired up with three wither skeleton heads to spawn the Wither, arguably one of Minecraft's hardest bosses.
Soul campfires also do two hearts of damage instead of one like a normal campfire.
While the light produced by the soul campfire is beautiful, it only has a light level of 10, while the regular campfire has a light level of 15.
Soul campfires are a great and easily craftable addition to Minecraft and can be created by anyone who is logging in to the game.
Also read: Minecraft Guide for Beginners
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