Minecraft has a ton of potions available to be used within the game. These can be crafted using a brewing stand, which is easily found inside the houses of the "cleric" villagers. This is because it serves as the job site block for the cleric. Brewing stands can also be crafted using a blaze rod and three blocks of either cobblestone, blackstone, or cobbled deepslate.
There are two types of potions available in Minecraft, and the first is base potions, which include awkward, mundane, and thick potions. These serve as building blocks for crafting additional potions.
The second type is effect potions. These include potions like Potion of Fire Resistance, Potion of Water Breathing, Potion of Invisibility, and more. Effect potions can have positive, negative, and mixed effects on the player. Some negative effect potions are Potion of Harming, Potion of Poison, and Potion of Weakness, while the Potion of the Turtle Master gives mixed effects. This article will state the uses of the Potion of Strength.
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Potion of Strength in Minecraft: How and when to use
The Potion of Strength is a positive-effect potion that players can use in Minecraft. Java Edition has two variants or levels of the potion. The first is the base Potion of Strength. This increases the player's outgoing melee damage by 1.5 hearts or three health points for a duration of three minutes. The second level is the Potion of Strength II, which increases melee damage by three hearts or six health points for a duration of a minute and 30 seconds.
With that in mind, let's run through the uses of the Potion of Strength.
This potion can be used in situations of dire need, such as when the player is surrounded by enemies or trying to take down a particularly annoying foe like a creeper, or a powerful one like an iron golem or, for the matter, the Ender Dragon.
The potion can be a helpful commodity to bring along for a mining or exploration trip. Clearing out Woodland Mansions is immensely easy when under the influence of this potion.
Aside from battling mobs in Minecraft's singleplayer, the potion can prove to be immensely helpful in PvP due to taking fewer hits to finish an enemy, or giving them more damage. If the opposing player isn't healing fast enough, the Potion of Strength tends to cut though foes like a hot knife through butter.
How to craft a Potion of Strength in Minecraft

Players will need a brewing stand to brew any potion. The first step towards crafting a Potion of Strength is the base potion, which, in this case, is an awkward potion. To craft an awkward potion, follow the steps below:
- Fill out three bottles with water.
- Place one each inside the bottom three slots of the brewing stand.
- Place some blaze powder in the slot on the left.
- Place a Nether wart in the top most slot.
This will make three awkward potions. These can now be used to create Potions of Strength by following the steps below:
- Take three awkward potions and place them in the bottom three slots of the brewing stand.
- Place some blaze powder in the slot on the left.
- Place more blaze powder in the topmost slot, replacing the Nether Wart from last time.
- Voila! Three tier one Potions of Strength with a duration of three minutes are ready to be used.
To increase the duration of a tier one strength potion, follow the steps given below:
- Take three tier one Potions of Strength and place them in the bottom three slots of the brewing stand.
- Place some blaze powder in the slot on the left.
- Place redstone dust in the topmost slot, replacing the blaze powder from last time.
- This will increase the duration of the tier one Potions of Strength from three minutes to eight minutes.
To increase the damage of a tier one strength potion, follow the steps given below:
- Take three tier one Potions of Strength and place them in the bottom three slots of the brewing stand.
- Place some blaze powder in the slot on the left.
- Place glowstone dust in the topmost slot, replacing the redstone dust from last time.
- This will increase the damage of the tier one Potions of Strength from three health points to six health points.
Potion making or Brewing is one of the most interesting parts of Minecraft. It can prove immensely helpful in emergencies, and can even save the player's life. Potions such as the Potion of Strength, the Potion of Fire Resistance and the Potion of Water Breathing are commodities players should have all the time.
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