With the release of the Minecraft 1.19 update, Mojang released a brand new enchantment called Swift Sneak for the Deep Dark biome.
The Deep Dark biome instantly became one of the scariest biomes in the sandbox title, simply because of how dark it was and because it could summon the Warden.
One of the major weaknesses of the Warden is that it can only hear players and not see them.
Hence, one of the methods to prevent Warden from spawning or evading the mob is by walking while crouching to not make any sound. This is where the swift sneak enchantment helps.
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Everything to know about the Swift Sneak enchantment in Minecraft
What does Swift Sneak enchantment does?

Swift Sneak is a treasure enchantment that allows players to walk faster while crouching. As everyone knows, crouching drastically slows players down. Hence, this particular enchantment helps in several scenarios.
There are essentially three levels to this enchantment, each of which increases the walking speed by 15%. At swift sneak level three, players' crouch walking speed is around 75% of their normal walking speed.
There are fourth and fifth levels in the game as well. However, they can only be obtained through commands.
How to obtain Swift Sneak enchantment?

As mentioned above, the swift sneak enchantment is a treasure enchantment. This means that it cannot be found on any enchanting table.
The only way to obtain the powerup is by exploring Ancient City and finding it as an enchanted book inside chests.
Hence, finding swift sneak is quite difficult in the game, since exploring and looting an Ancient City is dangerous.
Which armor part does Swift Sneak enchantment apply to?

When Swift Sneak was first introduced to the game, Mojang planned to make it exclusive to boots. However, after several pieces of feedback from the community, they made it exclusive to leggings.
Players can only apply the enchantment on leggings, at least in survival mode. Luckily, the enchantment is compatible with every other legging enchantment, making it easier for players to add other powerups to that armor part.
How can swift sneak help players?

The swift sneak enchantment was mainly added to the game to help players evade the Warden more efficiently.
The powerup allows explorers to evade Warden and also explore the Deep Dark biome more efficiently and without triggering any sculk sensors.
Apart from that, players can also use the enchantment to sneak faster while mining and exploring the Nether.
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