Minecraft has tons of settings and gameplay options that allow for complete and total customization of a world. Using settings and commands, players can create a Minecraft world that is totally unlike anything anyone's ever experienced.
One of the settings that can be customized to completely change how the game functions is tick speed.
Tick speed is a little known setting that is found all the way at the bottom of the world settings. Here's what players need to know about tick speed.
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Complete guide to tick speed in Minecraft
Tick speed is a time measurement in Minecraft. Anyone who's played Minecraft has realized that the time in Minecraft is not at all comparable to the time in the real world. One Minecraft day is far shorter than a real day, and the same goes for other, lesser measurements of time.
Minecraft typically runs at a fixed rate of 20 ticks per second. This means that one tick happens every 0.05 seconds, which makes one in-game day last exactly 24000 ticks, which translates to 20 minutes. The night is half that amount of time, comparatively.
Tick speed refers to the amount of time an activity takes in Minecraft, generally being applied to how quickly grass grows or leaves decay and drop saplings. Changing tick speed can change that, for better or worse.

Having an extremely high tick speed can cause the game to lag, but it can be helpful, too. Players who are trying to do some rather extreme landscaping will benefit from the entire cluster of leaves disintegrating almost immediately after they've broken the last log.
This can also be beneficial for hoppers, as this will cause the items to run through them much faster. Making the Minecraft tick speed too high can cause dramatic lag, though. In order to change the tick speed on a world, players need to navigate to world settings.
Once there, it can be found all the way at the bottom of that section. It is considered a cheat, so changing it will disable achievements. However, once it's enabled it can be set to any four digit number. After that, there is a reset button that will turn it back to 1, which is the default setting.
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