The End is a dangerous place in Minecraft. Unfortunately, it's the only place to go to defeat the Ender Dragon or find End Cities, which have arguably the best loot in the game. Still, it's a very dangerous place where Minecraft players die more often than anywhere else. All thanks to the Endermen, the Ender Dragon, Shulkers, and other dangers like the void.
There are a few things in Minecraft that equate to certain death, one of which is in the End. Falling down hundreds of blocks with no armor will cause certain death. Swimming in lava with no potions or armor will cause certain death. Finally, falling into the void will cause certain death. So, what is the void in Minecraft?
Minecraft: Guide to the void
The void is the most dangerous place in Minecraft. There are ways to survive the other certain death instances. Players can get out of the lava quickly enough or use water to cool off. Players can use water buckets, hay bales, slime blocks and more to MLG their fall and survive from the tallest of heights. There's no surviving the void, though.
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The void is the empty space in the End. The End has islands all over it, but if a player falls off, they'll end up in the void, from which no player has returned. Minecraft players can avoid falling into the void by throwing an Ender Pearl, but once they've entered the void, it's done.
Minecraft players will know they've entered the void by two occurrences. First, they will have fallen off an island in the End. This often happens from an Enderman knocking them off. Second, once they start taking damage without having landed or anything, they are officially in the void.

There's no coming back from the void and it is a quick death. There's also no way to retrieve any items that are lost in the void. What goes into the void never returns. This often means that players' best items are lost forever if they took them in to fight the dragon.
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