Minecraft 1.18 update will change the Overworld like never before. The second part of Caves and Cliffs is bringing massive mountain biomes and deep cave generation which is a first for the title.
As the world generation changes, ore distribution is also receiving tweaks in Minecraft 1.18 update. Every Overworld ore is affected by this update as the bottom limit of the Overworld will now be shifted to Y -64.
Due to changes in ore distribution, mining for ores will be a whole lot easier once the update releases. Here's a guide to finding Emerald ore, one of the rarest blocks, after Minecraft's 1.18 update.
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Emeralds to become easier to find in Minecraft 1.18 update
Emerald ores have been one of the rarest naturally occurring blocks for a long time. While there are better and easier ways to get shiny emeralds, finding emerald ores was considered an amazing feat. But after the Minecraft 1.18 update, finding emerald ores will become child's play.
In early versions, emerald ores would generate in mountain biomes. In Minecraft 1.18 update, these ores are still generated in the mountains, but emeralds have become easier to find because of many new sub-mountain biomes.
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In any mountain biome, emerald ore can generate anywhere between Y 256 and -16. Since emerald ore's density lowers as altitude decreases, players will have a high chance of finding emeralds at the top of the mountains.

In Minecraft 1.18 update, cave mining is probably not the best way to find emerald ores. Players interested in finding emerald ores should opt for mountain climbing rather than underground exploration. A lot of times, players will discover emerald ores exposed on the surface of tall mountains.
In older versions, emerald ores would generate in blobs of size 1, which made them more rarer to find. However, emerald ores will now generate as bigger blobs in Minecraft 1.18 update.
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As emerald ore leaves its position among the rarest blocks, a new block will take its place. Deepslate emerald ore will become a new rare block after Minecraft 1.18 update. It will only generate below Y level 0 in the mountains. Any emerald ore generated inside deepslate or tuff blocks turns into deepslate emerald ore.
Minecraft 1.18 update release date
Minecraft 1.18 update will be available for download on November 30, 2021. After its release, players will be able to move their old worlds to 1.18 safely and venture into the new world of Caves and Cliffs to discover mountains, caves, and more.
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