Sunflowers are one of the rarest flowers in Minecraft.
Sunflowers are also different than most flowers, being two blocks tall and always pointing east. This can be useful if the player is lost, as it can provide a sense of direction to get home.
Sunflowers were added in the 1.7 update.
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Where to find sunflowers in Minecraft
Players can only find sunflowers in the Sunflower Plains biome, which is quite rare. Luckily, if the player manages to find the Sunflower Plains, there is no shortage of sunflowers. They spawn in giant patches, with around 20 flowers per patch.
Villages also have a high chance of spawning in the Sunflower Plains biome.

What can sunflowers do?
Sunflowers have a few uses in Minecraft.
If the player uses bonemeal on a sunflower, it will drop another sunflower, so players can keep their nice field of sunflowers. Sunflowers can also be placed in a crafting grid/table to produce two dandelion yellow dye, which is excellent. If players find a Sunflower Fields biome, they will never have a shortage of yellow dye.
Sunflowers are also very useful as navigation tools in Minecraft. Since they only point east, if players do not have a compass, before they set out on an expedition, they can put down a sunflower to tell which direction they are going. Once they are ready to go back home, they can go in the opposite direction, leading them home.
Another great use for sunflowers in Minecraft is decoration. Being two blocks tall, sunflowers can add a lot of detail to an otherwise dull house.

The only downside to sunflowers in Minecraft is that gamers cannot put them inside a flower pot. However, due to their natural beauty, this shouldn't be much of an issue at all.
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