Pufferfish are one of the most interesting aquatic mobs in Minecraft. They are also very difficult to handle.

Pufferfish were introduced with the 1.13 update, also known as the Aquatic Update. Other things that were also introduced with this update were coral, sea turtles, and tridents.
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Minecraft pufferfish boast an impressive 20 health. They also have the ability to inject venom into players and other mobs when defending themselves.
Players often want pufferfish because they are needed to make water-breathing potions.
Pufferfish spawn and live in a very niche environment.
Where can a player find pufferfish in Minecraft?
Pufferfish spawn in specific parts of the ocean.
In Java Edition, pufferfish will spawn in lukewarm, deep lukewarm, and warm waters. They'll spawn in numbers 1-3.
In Bedrock Edition, they'll spawn in numbers between 3 and 5 in warm ocean biomes. They'll normally spawn up to 32 blocks away from the player, with 12 blocks being the closest.
Another way for players to acquire a pufferfish is by killing guardians and elder guardians, which have a 0.325% chance of dropping one. Of course, the fish will be in the form of an item and will be dead.
What are Minecraft pufferfish used for?
Once a player has caught a pufferfish in Minecraft, they may wonder what they can do with it. Here are some of the uses of pufferfish in the game:
- Pufferfish can be used to brew a water-breathing potion.
- Pufferfish can be used to gain an ocelot's trust or tame them.
- Pufferfish can also be used as food (not recommended).
- Pufferfish can be used in various trades in the game.
These are all important for players to gain achievements in Minecraft and can aid in survival.
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