Zombie Villagers are one of many hostile mobs in Minecraft. They are a mix between zombies and villagers and are very useful for Minecraft players.
These mobs can be found or created by players, so there are a few different ways to get them. Here's how players can find the undead mob in their game.
The methods for how to find and create a Zombie Villager in Minecraft
Zombie Villagers are a hostile mob, so they will spawn alongside the rest of the evil mobs when night falls. Zombie Villagers have a 5% chance to spawn in any biome that Zombies can also spawn in, so they are fairly rare. Players can wait for nightfall and run around looking for one, but an encounter is not guaranteed this way.
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Another method is to find a zombie village. These will spawn much more frequently. Instead of Villagers roaming around doing tasks and trades, Zombie Villagers are stationed there, looking to harm players. These are also uncommon, but if a Minecraft player manages to find one, it becomes an instant source of Zombie Villagers.
The final tactic for finding them is to let a Zombie kill a Villager. As cruel as that may sound, many times the Villager will turn into a Zombie Villager after this. It's not a guarantee, however. When Minecraft is set to the Easy difficulty setting, there is a 0% chance. That grows to 50% in Normal and there is a 100% chance in Hard mode.
Zombie Villagers are good for a couple of reasons. They'll drop XP and a few pieces of rotten flesh when killed, just like Zombies. Also, and most importantly, these creatures can be cured.
Curing a Zombie Villager, while extremely difficult, is something all Minecraft players should consider trying to do. For starters, it's an achievement that can be completed by players of the Bedrock Edition.

A cured Zombie Villager will turn into a Villager. Not only that, it will offer a significant discount on all of its trades. This is the best way to lower Villager trade prices.
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