Wheat has many uses in Minecraft. It can be used for breeding animals like cows and sheep. It can be used to trade for emeralds with certain farmer villagers. Players can also use it to make bread, which is a good food source. Wheat is usually the go-to when people are building gardens. It's arguably the easiest to come across. Here are the best ways to get wheat easily in Survival mode.
How to find wheat easily in Minecraft in Survival Mode
Wheat can be grown from seeds that can be easily acquired. The other crops like pumpkins, melons, beetroot, carrots and potatoes can be much harder to come by. Most of those have to be found growing, which can be difficult. Getting a carrot or potato without finding a village is nearly impossible. Seeds, however, can be found by breaking grass.
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Plains and forest biomes have the most grass, making seeds easy to come by. Growing them by using bonemeal can give players a lot of wheat quickly. There are other ways that don't require that much gardening.
Villages are the best and easiest source of wheat. They will often have multiple gardens and farmer villagers. Wheat is the most common crop, so the odds are good that a village will have ample wheat to farm. It's easily obtainable, and many farmers will begin replanting it as soon as players take it. Villages also have hay bales, which are the best source of wheat in a game.
Each village usually has a few hay bale "towers". These can have a lot of bales of hay which are made of nine wheat each. Players can easily get stacks and stacks of wheat by just crafting the hay bales back into wheat. Villages, with their farms and hay bales, are the best source of wheat for Minecraft players.
Related: How to get Minecraft: Education Edition
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