In Minecraft, some of the most valuable items are diamonds and emeralds.
Because these items are so valuable, their ores are, of course, some of the most rare to find. Luckily, there are specific strategies Minecraft gamers can utilize in order to mine for these great jewels.
This article provides information about where to mine for diamonds and emeralds in Minecraft.
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Mining for diamonds and emeralds in Minecraft

In Minecraft, diamonds are currently generated at Y levels 5 to 12, meaning that they’re almost always hidden underground. Most players choose to mine around levels 10 or 11 when searching for diamonds. Strip mining at these levels proves to be effective most of the time.
In the Minecraft Caves & Cliffs Part Two update, which will be released relatively soon, diamond ore generation is set to change. When this occurs, diamonds will instead generate at Y levels -64 to 16 with most ores being at level -59. Notably, this is a major difference.
While most diamonds are hidden within chunks of stone or deepslate blocks, sometimes the ores will be exposed. This happens most commonly in mine shafts or around lava pools close to the bedrock level.

Emerald ore is perhaps the rarest in all of Minecraft. Unlike diamonds, emerald ore is only found in one biome: mountains. In fact, it is probably more common for players to find emeralds in village chests that are not in ore form.
When mining for emerald ores, players should look between Y levels 4 and 31 in mountain biomes. Emerald ore usually does not generate in groups, so players are likely to only find singular ore blocks per word chunk.
In Minecraft Caves & Cliffs Part Two, emerald ore generation will also change significantly. This valuable ore will experience quite a dramatic change in generation given the extreme increase in mountain height that will be implented.
Emerald ore will soon be found between the huge range of Y levels 32 and 320. It will most commonly generate at level 255.
For more tips on all things mining in Minecraft, check out this video:
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