In Minecraft, Netherite is the strongest material that players can use to create armor or weapons in the game. Netherite is the most sustainable and durable armor in the game, and this material is what all Minecraft players dream of.
Netherite is not easy to find in Minecraft. This is the strongest material in the game, but it also is the rarest as well. Players will find only small amounts of Netherite in a vein, and sometimes it can take players hours to even find one piece.
In order for players to get Netherite items, they will need to make sure that the equipment is diamond first. For example, only a diamond sword can be upgraded to Netherite, not iron or anything else.
It will cost players one Netherite ingot to upgrade each piece of armor. This may seem like it is pretty easy to do because it is just one piece, but that is not the case. It is pretty challenging to even get one piece of Netherite.
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If players do not find Netherite ingots in treasure chests, there is an alternative to getting them. Players can find Netherite scraps to create Netherite ingots. The player will need four Netherite scraps in order to create one ingot.
Players will also need four golden ingots to create a Netherite ingot. Netherite scraps can be found, or they can be obtained by smelting ancient debris. This is also rare to find, but not as rare as Netherite ingots or scraps.
Players will need a smithing table to upgrade their diamond items to Netherite. Smithing tables are created using two iron ingots and four wooden planks.
It can be challenging for players to find Netherite in Minecraft. In this article, players will learn where Netherite is located in Minecraft!
Where is Netherite located in Minecraft
The Nether

As can be inferred from the name, Netherite is located only in the Nether. Players will never find Netherite ingots spawning in the overworld. Players will need ancient debris in order to create Netherite ingots.
Without ancient debris, players will not be able to create Netherite ingots. The ancient debris is the base of the Netherite. There is no Netherite block itself for the player to mine, this means players will have to find it by luck, or create it starting with ancient debris.
Players can only find ancient debris on block levels of 8-22. There is no specific region where ancient debris can be located, so players will just have to mine around in the Nether in randomized locations.
After finding the ancient debris, players will then have to smelt it inside a furnace, which will turn it into Nether scraps. One piece of ancient debris will make one Nether scrap, and four Nether scraps create one Netherite ingot.
How to mine it

Minecraft players will need a diamond pickaxe in order to mine ancient debris. If it is mined with anything other than a diamond pickaxe, it will just break and drop nothing. Players can create diamond pickaxes using a crafting table.
Diamond pickaxes can be crafted using three diamonds and two sticks. Players can also apply the efficiency enchantment on the pickaxe to mine the ancient debris faster.
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