Minecraft Dungeons has more than a few merchants that can become available in a hero's camp, and they all offer a little something different, including the enigmatic Piglin Merchant.
Offering gilded quality items in exchange for gold found in Minecraft Dungeons' Ancient Hunts, the Piglin Merchant is found in the player's camp once they obtain at least one piece of gold from an Ancient Hunt.
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As heroes complete more Ancient Hunts, the Piglin Merchant will offer more trades per visit. This particular merchant can be found at the player's camp in a Nether-like cave near the Nether Portal, which seems appropriate given that piglins live within the Nether in Minecraft.
Minecraft Dungeons: Additional info on the Piglin Merchant

Originally shown to Minecraft Dungeons players during a Minecraft Dungeons Diary covering the Flames of the Nether DLC, the Piglin Merchant has remained a fixture in the game ever since.
It can reside in the Overworld without being subject to the zombification process, and there are more than a few theories as to why this is the case. Regardless, it trades gilded gear for gold, very much in line with the gold-loving ways of piglins in other Minecraft titles.
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Since gilded items are normally only earned during Ancient Hunts, the Piglin Merchant provides a helpful service when it comes to finding the right gear for a hero's build if it doesn't drop in the hunt.
Piglin Merchant's inventory rotates similarly to other merchants in Minecraft Dungeons, changing when players complete additional Ancient Hunts.
However, heroes that don't want to dive back into a hunt to find certain items can also provide the merchant with gold to get it to refresh its inventory. This can be costly, as gold is much less available compared to emeralds, but it can result in finding the right item for whatever the hero's purposes may be.
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There isn't much known about the Piglin Merchant's personality in Minecraft Dungeons, but it did once try to trade with the Luxury Merchant for a piece of gold. It was willing to offer a baby chicken, meat, a fireworks arrow, and a fishing rod just for a single piece of its beloved material.
However, the Piglin Merchant was disappointed to realize that most of the other merchants in the game traded with emeralds, and so it was left waiting for heroes to come along and offer it gold instead.
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