The Minecraft 1.18 update completely changes the iron ore generation of the game. With the biggest update of Minecraft finally out, players will experience the game from a fresh perspective. The update brings loads of changes and additions, with a complete world overhaul, tall mountains, deep caves, and different ore distribution.
Even after so many updates and changes in the game, iron is still one of the most used materials for both beginners and experts. Iron can be used to craft innumerable items in the game, including tools, weapons, and armor. But with the new Minecraft 1.18 update, finding iron has changed quite a bit.
Here is the best level to mine iron in Minecraft 1.18 update.
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The best level to mine iron in Minecraft 1.18 update
With the latest Minecraft 1.18 update bringing a new world generation, Mojang has also changed the generation of different ores in the overworld.
Mining underground
One of the classic ways to find iron in Minecraft is to mine underground. For years, players have found iron ore in bundles, either naturally in caves or by mining. However, with the new Minecraft 1.18 update, this slightly changes.

As the caves get deeper beyond y = 0 in the new update, the generation of nearly all the ores has shifted slightly down. The best level to mine for iron underground is at y = 16. Mojang released a chart showing the ore distribution in Minecraft 1.18 update, and it showed the maximum amount of underground iron at y = 16.
Players also have a chance to find the rare iron ore veins between y = -8 and y = -58
Mining in the mountains

When it comes to finding and mining iron, players usually go underground to find the material, but this will drastically change with the new Minecraft 1.18 update. If players want to find the most amount of iron, they will have to find the tallest mountain in the world.
The best level to mine iron in Minecraft 1.18 update is y = 232. As shown in Mojang's ore distribution chart, iron will abundantly generate in the mountains from now on. Rather than mining underground, players can climb high mountains to find the most amount of iron in Minecraft.
Remember, the y levels mentioned are the only sweet spots for finding iron. Players can find iron at almost any level due to their commonness.
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