Want to know about the Minecraft librarian book trades list? Librarians are the best type of villager mobs that players can interact with, simply because of their excellent enchanted book trades.
If players do not want random enchantments on their gear through an enchanting table, they can hire multiple librarians for various enchanted book trades. However, new players might not know which ones they can offer for trade.
Minecraft villagers are civil, passive mobs that live and work in different villages. They have different professions and work on their jobsite blocks all day. They also have different appearances depending on the work they do. Librarians use lectern blocks as a jobsite, and have a book on top of their heads and wear a pair of spectacles.
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All Minecraft Librarian book trades list

Usually, when players interact with these mobs, they will either have bookshelves or an enchanted book to trade. The reason why librarians are considered the best villagers is because they give nearly all enchantments. Be it a common enchantment or a treasure enchantment, they give most of it.
They have an equal chance of having all options on their trading list once they become librarians. Hence, there is an equal chance of them having a common variant like Unbreaking or a treasure enchantment like Mending in their list.
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Furthermore, they can also trade the highest level of enchantment as well. Level one will cost between five and 19 emeralds, level two will cost between eight and 32, level three will cost between 11 and 45, level four will cost between 14 and 58, and level five will cost between 17 and 64.
Best Villager Trades for Enchanted Books
Here is a list of all Minecraft librarian enchanted book trades:
Weapon enchantments
- Bane of Arthropods (for Sword and Axe (BE only))
- Breach (for Mace)
- Channeling (for Trident)
- Density (for Mace)
- Fire Aspect (for Sword, Mace, and Axe)
- Flame (for Bow)
- Impaling (for Trident)
- Infinity (for Bow)
- Knockback (for Sword)
- Looting (for Sword)
- Loyalty (for Trident)
- Multishot (for Crossbow)
- Piercing (for Crossbow)
- Power (for Bow)
- Punch (for Bow)
- Quick Charge (for Crossbow)
- Riptide (for Trident)
- Sharpness (for Sword and Axe (BE only))
- Smite (for Sword and Axe (BE only))
- Sweeping Edge (for Sword (JE only))
Armor enchantments
- Aqua Affinity (for Helmets)
- Blast Protection (for all)
- Curse of Binding (for all)
- Depth Strider (for Boots)
- Feather Falling (for Boots)
- Fire Protection (for all)
- Frost Walker (for Boots)
- Projectile Protection (for all)
- Protection (for all)
- Respiration (for Helmets)
- Thorns (for all)
Tool enchantments
- Efficiency (for Pickaxe, Shovel, Axe, Hoe, and Shear)
- Fortune (for Pickaxe, Shovel, Axe, and Hoe)
- Luck of the Sea (for Fishing Rod)
- Lure (for Fishing Rod)
- Silk Touch (for Pickaxe, Shovel, Axe, Hoe, and Shear (BE only))
Other enchantments
- Mending (for all)
- Unbreaking (for all)
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Enchantment book trades that librarians cannot provide

The only enchantments that librarians cannot trade are Soul Speed, Swift Sneak, and Wind Burst. The Soul Speed is a special treasure enchantment that can only be obtained in the Nether realm inside Bastion Remnant chests or by bartering with Piglins.
Swift Sneak is a Leggings enchantment that can only be obtained from Ancient City's chests. It will speed up players while they're crouching and is especially useful while in the Deep Dark biome, and while trying to escape from the Warden.
Wind Burst is an enchantment for the newly added mace weapon in Minecraft. This enchantment is a reward for clearing Ominous Trials and opening Ominous Vaults in Trial Chambers found underground. It is among the rarest rewards and has only a 5.5% chance to be dropped by Ominous Vaults.
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How to get the desired enchanted book trade from librarians

When players interact with librarians and open their trade list, they might not get the desired enchantment as a book. However, there is a trick to get the exact one that players want. When librarians' jobsite block is broken, they lose their jobs and become normal villagers. Once they are normal, a new lectern can be placed in front of them to employ them again.
When they become librarians again, their trade is reshuffled by the game. This will also change the enchantment they were trading previously. Players can simply rinse and repeat this process to get the desired enchantment from them.
How to get discount on enchanted book trade
Players can obtain cheaper enchanted books by zombifying and curing librarian villagers. This involves trapping a librarian villager and letting a zombie infect it. After curing it with a golden apple and a splash potion of weakness, the villager will regain its profession and offer discounted enchanted books
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