Spawners are a special type of block in Minecraft 1.19 that can spawn a particular type of mob. There are several naturally generated spawners in the world that players can find, all spawning different mobs. Over the years, players have come up with multiple ways to use this block to gain XP and mob loot from the mobs that spawn from it.
Spawners are excellent for building a farm where players can kill mobs to collect XP points and dropped items. These blocks can be found in dungeons, mineshafts, strongholds, bastion remnants, and nether fortresses. Though all of these spawners summon hostile mobs, only one of them is the best in terms of getting the most amount of XP.
Blaze spawner in Nether Fortress offers the most XP points in Minecraft 1.19

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When players enter the Nether, they mainly try to seek out two structures: Nether Fortress and Bastion Remnants. The Nether Fortress is one of the most dangerous yet important structures in the game. Blazes spawn in this structure with the help of a spawner block. These hostile mobs drop Blaze rods and a lot of XP points.
Nether Fortresses are huge, and players usually try to find Blaze spawners since they need Blaze rods to progress further in the game. In this process, they can get loads of XP since each Blaze drops about 10 XP points, which is higher than any other mob that has a naturally-generated spawner.

Blazes are dangerous creatures that can float around and shoot fire charges in quick succession, which is why players need to be extremely careful while dealing with these mobs.
Blaze farm for XP farming
Since Blaze drops 10 XP points while having the same health as a zombie or skeleton, they are ideal for XP farming. Players can easily make a farm around the spawner block in the Nether Fortress.
One of the best ways to make a Blaze farm is to use lava to gradually push mobs into a killing room with hoppers and chests. Players can simply change the settings to peaceful to set up the farm without any disturbance. They can then create a huge cube of glass with the spawner block at the center and fill the bottom with lava that flows to the center hole where Blaze will be pushed.

Players should remember to place a slab on top of the spawner so that the mobs do not spawn on top, preventing them from falling into the killing pit. The pit should also contain vines on every wall so that it traps them. Finally, players can create a collection area and a small opening from where they can kill them to gain loads of XP points and Blaze rods.
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