Even though they were recently added in Minecraft's Caves & Cliffs update, axolotls have quickly become a very helpful mob for players who know how they operate.
What makes axolotls special and important in Minecraft? Much of it can be attributed to their behavior and benefits towards players. Although they are inherently passive to players, they can still provide them with helpful effects such as Regeneration, and removal of mining fatigue.
Axolotls are also quite aggressive and can be used to attack enemy aquatic mobs as long as the player doesn't accidentally injure the axolotl themselves. Axolotls can even be attached to leads, meaning players can bring them to dangerous areas like ocean monuments.
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Axolotls act as allies in Minecraft's hostile environments and also provide players with the Regeneration effect
Axolotls provide Regeneration I

Despite axolotls not being capable of being "tamed" in Minecraft, they can still be used to a player's benefit due to their aggressive nature and beneficial status effects. If a player attaches axolotls to a lead, they can be brought along with the player despite their need to stay in water for the most part. However, this works out just fine as axolotls operate at their best underwater.
While players are assisting axolotls in battle, they'll receive Regeneration I for 100 in-game ticks, or five seconds in real-world measurements. If the player manages to kill a mob that is attacking an axolotl, they'll also have any mining fatigue removed from them.
The amount of time that Regeneration remains active can increase depending on how many axolotls are present in the fight, and can stack upto a maximum of 2,400 ticks or two minutes in Java Edition.
Axolotls behave as allies in Minecraft's underwater fights
Since they naturally attack most aquatic mobs in Minecraft and provide great benefits to players, axolotls are ideal companions to bring along when tackling ocean monuments.
Since ocean monument enemies like elder guardians cause a lot of damage and can also induce mining fatigue, axolotls serve as natural counters. Furthermore, they will battle any and all challengers within the monument, including the likes of standard guardians.
All that Minecraft players need to do is make sure the axolotls are fighting the right targets, as they can sometimes become distracted by other aquatic mobs. Since axolotls will attack any aquatic mobs, pointing them in the right direction is key.
Once they've seen their target, all players need to do is give them a hand in battle and watch as the tides turn in their favor thanks to the beneficial effects provided by their aquatic allies.
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