Minecraft players typically follow a progression when it comes to getting tools. Wood is first, followed by stone, iron and finally, diamond. Gold tools are never a priority and most of the time, players don't even want them.
It can be frustrating for Minecraft players to receive golden tools out of the chest at a Ruined Nether Portal. They would rather stick to generic ones and get the job done. But why are gold tools so bad?
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Why are Minecraft gold tools bad?
Surprisingly, golden tools are extremely efficient. A golden pickaxe will go through a block of cobblestone in 0.25 seconds, the fastest of all tools. Even diamond pickaxes are slower in the process, clocking in at 0.4 seconds.
Iron pickaxes take an entire half second, which is twice as slow as golden pickaxes. Golden tools are the most efficient, yet still avoided by the majority of Minecraft players.

The reason they're considered among the worst type of tools is because of their durability. A golden pickaxe can only break 32 blocks, which is by far the lowest for any amount. Even a wooden axe can break 59 blocks, nearly double as that of a golden one.
The same can be said for golden swords, which can hit mobs 32 times, and golden hoes, which can till 32 blocks of dirt.
Golden tools are best for getting through things swiftly, especially if they have an Efficiency enchantment, but they'll break pretty quickly as well. Even an Unbreaking enchant only helps so much.
They're quite efficient, but unless players have an abundance of gold, they're going to run out quickly and it just becomes tedious.
Additionally, they are equivalent to stone pickaxes, so they can't mine diamonds, redstone, lapis lazuli or even gold ore.
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