Minecraft seeds are the unique identifiers of a generated world. They can be used to create specific worlds that players wish to explore.
However, due to the differences between the Java and Bedrock Editions of the game, there are contrasts between seeds. For example, a seed in Java Edition can work similarly in Bedrock but will feature different structure placements.
Additionally, seeds that use the same integers can have vastly different terrain and starting locations. This is largely due to the differences in the way that Java and Bedrock Edition handle their respective world and terrain generation.
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Though some seeds can be incredibly similar between versions, there will always be subtle differences.
The different programming methodologies of Minecraft Java and Bedrock means they have their own ways of creating structures

The differences in seeds between Minecraft versions can be attributed to how each specific iteration of the game handles its world creation.
Each version of the game possesses its own algorithms for creating a world. Java and Bedrock utilize a different code base.
Java Edition, as the name implies, still uses the Java programming language to run the game and facilitate its world creation.
Meanwhile, Bedrock Edition was made to be used by platforms that can't utilize Java programming language. As a result, it was coded in C++, which is part of the reason why the two iterations of the game are different in certain regards. This is also why fans don't see the Java Edition of the game running on platforms such as consoles or mobile devices.
Looking at things in a finer light, all seeds generated between the integer strings of -9,223,372,036,854,775,808 and 9,223,372,036,854,775,807 will create the same terrain and biomes between versions.
However, Java and Bedrock's different programming methodology have their own ways of creating structures, such as villages, strongholds, pyramids, and temples.
This is where the major contrasts come into play between seeds. Even if a player places a seed they found in Bedrock into Java, and it has the same terrain, some structures may have their location changed. They may also not be present in a given area at all.
The difference in seeds goes well beyond Minecraft's structure placement. Java and Bedrock also possess different underlying code arguments that handle aspects such as mob spawns, decoration placement, and "carver" type caves. The same herd of cattle that a player finds in a seed may not appear in the same locations between versions.
Mojang is certainly going through plenty of efforts to improve parity between Minecraft's Java and Bedrock Editions. However, the fundamental processes between the two versions are unlikely to be changed to accommodate the differences in seed generation.
The two iterations of the popular sandbox game are incredibly different from a programming standpoint despite using similar language and terminology.
Fortunately, Mojang has made this difference in seeds somewhat more bearable by allowing players who purchase the PC version of Minecraft to gain access to both editions of the game. This, at the very least, allows fans to choose which iteration of a seed they like best and gives them the ability to pick which version suits it.
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