Brave Combat Federation has announced that their latest Indian prospect, Pawan Maan Singh (4-1-0) will compete at Brave 3: Battle in Brazil. The veteran Indian fighter will step in for his first International bout at the Brave event in Brazil.
The organisation confirmed on Friday that the Indian knockout artist will go against James Pou from The United States of America on the preliminary card of the event in Curitiba.
Pawan was one of the top fighters in the Super Fight League. He was the first local athlete to win belts in two different weight classes on the national circuit. Pawan Maan Singh was the former Super Fight League welterweight and lightweight champion.
Currently, Pawan Maan Singh is riding a series of three straight wins in his professional career. Apart from his exploits in the cage, Pawan is also active in Professional Boxing grabbing headlines in Indian media. He is mostly noted for his explosive knockout ability.
Also read: MMA News: Brave Combat Federation confirms that an Indian fighter will compete at Brave 3 in Brazil
James Pou, 28, will defend his undefeated career record against the much experienced Indian fighter. The American has three wins in three fights, with a knockout, a finish and a decision. James is currently training at San Diego Combat Academy.
Brave 3: Battle in Brazil is set to take place on March 18, in Curitiba, at the Max Rosenmann Arena. In the main fight of the night, rivals Lucas Mineiro and Paulo Bananada will clash inside the cage.
The co-main event is confirmed with the return of Thiago "Monstro" seeking redemption from his first defeat. He will fight against Carlston Harris who is originally from Guyana but lives in Brazil, who is on a 2-win streak.
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