Cameron Vuong looks to remain undefeated against Gavin Gwynne.
Matchroom Boxing will travel to Birmingham, England for a boxing event inside the BP Pulse Live on November 30. The main event features an interim WBC flyweight showdown between Sunny Edwards and Galal Yafai.
The upcoming boxing event also features an intriguing bout at 135 pounds. Vuong enters the matchup with a 6-0 professional boxing record following three wins in 2024. The 22-year-old now plans to make a statement against Gwynne.
Gwynne is a 34-year-old with a record of 17-3-1. He was on a solid run featuring five wins in six fights (one draw) before Mark Chamberlin halted his momentum in March. The Welsh fighter looks to bounce back by handing Vuong his first loss.
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Saturday’s main card, including the main event between Edwards and Yafai, will air live on DAZN at 11:00 a.m. PT / 1:00 p.m. CT / 2:00 p.m. ET. Follow along with Sportskeeda for live updates of the 135-pound bout between Vuong and Gwynne.
Take a look at the faceoff between Cameron Vuong and Gavin Gwynne below:
Cameron Vuong vs. Gavin Gwynne
Round 1:
Cameron Vuong vs. Gavin Gwynne is underway. Vuong opens with a jab to the body. Gwynne charges forward and attempts to find his range with his jab. Vuong is moving well around the ring and doing a good job picking his shots.
Vuong is attempting to catch Gwynne on the way in. Gwynne's forward pressure has been solid, but he's not landing many clean punches. Vuong is cutting his angles and throwing one, maybe two, punches at a time.
The pressure from Gwynne is throwing off Vuong's rythmn early. Vuong's sharper punches are finding the target more than his opponent.
Round 2:
Gavin Gwynne continues charging forward, throwing light punches to the body when openings appear. Cameron Vuong's punches are looking good when he uses his footwork to avoid Gwynne's smothering forward pressure.
Gwynne is starting to put together some combinations when he catches Vuong against the ropes. Vuong is improving his timing to land when Gwynne recklessly walks forward. Gwynne's punching volume is increasing due to Vuong sitting on the ropes too long to look for something significant to land.
Round 3:
Cameron Vuong and Gavin Gwynne clinch immediately to open the round. Vuong is mostly head-hunting at the moment and sticking to one or two punches. Gwynne's game plan is clear, march forward and break down his younger opponent.
Vuong's uppercut has looked dangerous when he throws it. Vuong is being forced to move a lot around the ring. Gwynne fires off two body shots. Gwynne's scrappy fighting style is giving Vuong trouble in this third round.
Round 4:
Gavin Gwynne refuses to take a step back. Cameron Vuong is landing strong punches, but nothing has slowed down his opponent. Gwynne is throwing out many light punches to continue throwing off Vuong's rythmn.
Gwynne has a small cut under his left eye. Gwynne throws out another four or five-punch combination. Vuong has started switching his stances more. Vuong is getting caught in the corner and paying the consequences.
Round 5:
Cameron Vuong is increasing his volume and starting to land some heavy punches. Gavin Gwynne refuses to go away from his game plan of charging forward and throwing light punches.
Gwynne's volume could be stealing these rounds from the judges. Vuong is standing in place too long and allowing Gwynne to fire off combinations. Gwynne's left eye is showing some swelling along with the cut.
Vuong doesn't have much of an answer for Gwynne's forward pressure. Gwynne is building confidence going into round six.
Round 6:
Gavin Gwynne unloads a combination while Cameron Vuong is against the ropes within seconds. Vuong fires off his own combination but doesn't find the target cleanly. Gwynne's forward pressure and volume are a good look for the judges.
Vuong hasn't made many adjustments. He seems focused on landing a big punch to change this fight around. Gwynne's bodywork is starting to add up. Vuong is avoiding most of Gwynne's punches, but there's nothing else for the judges.
Gwynne hasn't slowed down for a moment. Vuong needs to change something as soon as possible or hope the judges award his power advantage.
Round 7:
Gavin Gwynne's corner is slightly worried about the damage to his left eye. Gwynne fires off a four-punch combination. Cameron Vuong has a path to victory with his opponent's damaged eye, but he's not landing enough punches.
Vuong counters a long combination from Gwynne with a sharp left hook. The uppercut continues to find the target for Vuong. Gwynne lands a big left punch to the body. Vuong fires back but can't find much room to work.
Vuong is eating a lot of punches against the ropes. Gwynne is absolutely relentless with his pressure. Vuong looks to be slowing down slightly.
Round 8:
Cameron Vuong finds himself trapped in the corner immediately. It's tough to tell how the judges are scoring this fight. Gavin Gwynne is walking through his opponent's jab and throwing out high-volume combinations.
Gwynne throws out back-to-back body punches. Vuong is starting to break down. Vuong is sitting against the ropes even longer than before. Gwynne's lack of power is becoming less and less of a problem in these later rounds.
Vuong needs to turn things around. Vuong is trying to smile off the combinations from Gwynne, but he's fooling nobody. Vuong goes back to his uppercut. Gwynne goes down for four or five body punches.
Round 9:
Gavin Gwynne's face is battered around the eyes. Cameron Vuong continues to counter Gwynne's long combinations with heavy hooks. Vuong is moving around the ring as well as he was in the early rounds.
Gwynne is putting some more power behind his punches. Vuong fires off three heavy straight punches. Vuong needs to increase his volume or hope the early rounds were enough for the win.
Vuong comes over the top with a heavy right hand. Vuong is starting to showcase his warrior spirit by exchanging punches with his relentless opponent. Vuong's power is going toe-to-toe with Gwynne's volume.
Round 10:
The consequences of Gavin Gwynne's face are showing on his own damaged face. Cameron Vuong comes out strong in the final round with a flurry of punches. Neither fighter looks comfortable with the scorecards as they battle in round ten.
Vuong lands a heavy uppercut. Gwynne isn't concerned about the range, he continues to throw out as many punches as possible. Vuong whiffs on a massive hook. Gwynne won't stop now. Vuong refuses to back down.
Vuong lands a massive right hand to end the fight. We're going to the scorecards. What a battle between the two warriors.
Official Result: Cameron Vuong def. Gavin Gwynne by unanimous decision (97-94, 96-95, and 96-94)