Joe Rogan expresses shock over CIA's alleged involvement in President John F. Kennedy's assassination

Joe Rogan. [image via Getty Images]
Joe Rogan [Image via Getty Images]

Joe Rogan weighed in on the recently released documents on the murder of former US president John F. Kennedy.

The assassination of the 35th president of the United States has always been a topic of mystery and controversy in the political discourse of the country. As part of a government review into the same, the National Archives released thousands of previously classified documents containing details of 'JFK's' unfortunate death in 1963.

Rogan spoke to Brian Redban on episode #1913 of The Joe Rogan Experience about the released documents and said:

"Bro. Bro. Jesus Christ. Yeah, they kept documents. I would definitely not let people read the ones that would be looking bad. I mean, that's the only explanation. Why can't we read 'em? They must be bad! They can't be good. Well, they say a lot of great things about the CIA, we're pretty humble, we don't want that. How will they ever find out? If they are able to keep s**t from us, how will they ever find out? Even though there's been laws passed and you know, rulings, they're supposed to release it, 2017. Like, what? Why not? What are you doing? What's happening?"

Joe Rogan speculated about the masses being in the dark despite continued laws pushing for transparency between the intelligence agencies and the general public.

Check out Rogan's full comments in a video uploaded by him on YouTube:


Catch the full JRE episode with Brian Redban on Spotify below:

Joe Rogan falls prey to clickbait title of a fight between two YouTubers at Creator Clash

Joe Rogan recently came across a boxing match between two YouTubers at Creator Clash and was misled by the title that suggested that the two were father and son.

YouTubers Matt Watson and 'Dad' went at it as one of eight fights on the Creator Clash card with 'Dad' commanding the upper hand throughout. Rogan described his "sadness" at seeing the 'father' tee off on the 'son' and called it out for being distasteful:

"I saw a video today of a boxing match between a father and a son. It made me so sad. 'Cause there's this young kid, he looks like he's probably like 17 or 18 and the father is 42. And the father beats the sh*t out of him. I mean like, dings him in the head and keeps punching him. That’s your son. And we’re watching you beat your son up?"

However, Rogan was immediately informed that the title was misleading and that the two boxers were not related. He reacted:

"It's not? What is it? Oh, why does it lie? It says 'Father knocks out son in celebrity boxing match.' Oh. I'm such a sucker."

Check out Joe Rogan's hilarious monologue below in a compilation made by Matt Watson himself:

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