When Robert F. Kennedy Jr. told Joe Rogan his theory about his uncle John F. Kennedy's assassination: "I gotta be careful" 

Joe Rogan (left) and Robert F. Kennedy Jr. (right) talk John F. Kennedy
Joe Rogan (left) and Robert F. Kennedy Jr. (right) talk John F. Kennedy's assassination [Images courtesy: @joerogan and @RobertKennedyJr on X]

UFC color commentator Joe Rogan hosted American politician Robert F. Kennedy Jr. on his podcast where the pair engaged in conversation about the military-industrial complex, the COVID-19 vaccine, and the Ukraine war among several other topics.

During the conversation, they also touched upon the topic of his uncle, John F. Kennedy's assassination. The 35th United States president was struck by two bullets as he was riding in a motorcade through Dealey Plaza in Dallas, Texas, on November 22, 1963.

The tragic incident and the sequence of events culminated in the assassin Lee Harvey Oswald being killed by Jack Ruby before he could face trial. These events became the breeding ground for several conspiracy theories. They have been debated and scrutinized actively ever since.

Kennedy Jr. has asserted over the years that the CIA allegedly assassinated his uncle. During his appearance on The Joe Rogan Experience, he asserted that he understands the need to be "careful" while delving into the topic of his uncle's assassination. He said:

"I got to be careful. I'm aware of that... I'm aware of that danger and I don't live in fear of it at all. But I'm not stupid about it and I take precautions."

Catch Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s comments below:


Check out the full episode below:

These conspiracy theories have become popular over the decades. Yet, no credible evidence has emerged that proves the CIA was responsible for the death.

When Joe Rogan supported Robert F. Kennedy Jr. challenging vaccine science

Joe Rogan's anti-vaccine stance dates back to the time when the COVID-19 vaccine was being pushed as a safety measure.

In 2021, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. published a book called The Real Anthony Fauci. The American politician attacked former chief medical advisor to the president from 2021 to 2022, Anthony Fauci, and his leadership of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases.

In the book, Kennedy Jr. offers his stance on Fauci's role during the HIV epidemic and the COVID-19 pandemic in the United States and HIV/AIDS denialism. While the book has been labeled as a "conspiracy theory extravaganza" by several publications, Rogan's views seemingly align with that of the American politician.

Speaking in an episode of The Joe Rogan Experience, he stated:

"I mean, if the real Anthony Fauci, the book by Robert F. Kennedy Jr is not if it's not accurate, he would be sued. He would be sued. And just forget about what happened during COVID. Just what we know took place during the AIDS crisis. Everyone should read that book. Everyone should understand this same game plan was played out during the AIDS crisis."

Rogan added:

"It's a game plan where they're in cahoots with the pharmaceutical drug companies and they push this thing as being the only remedy. And this is how they make tremendous amounts of money. And that's all real. This is not a tinfoil hat conspiracy. We're in sh*t that's real."

Catch Rogan's comments below:

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