Destiny 2 Season of Defiance will be ending alongside the Guardian Games, as the community is scheduled to get back one of the vaulted planets from previous seasons, the Titan. As players enter a new chapter in the Lightfall story, the upcoming season will also bring in a lot of sandbox updates to the game.
However, before everything falls into place, there are seven days still left for those looking to wrap things up slowly. From the exclusive weapons in Guardian Games to acquiring the seasonal weapons at the HELM, a Guardian's work is never done.
On that note, the following article will list some of the important content that's lined up for the upcoming weekly reset, including bonuses in rituals, Nightfall Strikes, and more.
All the upcoming content for Destiny 2 Season of Defiance's final weekly reset (May 16 to 23)
1) Final week of Season 20 and Guardian Games 2023
With the final week settling in, there are some things that players should prioritize doing. Since seasonal weapons and content won't be vaulted until the arrival of the next expansion, it will be wise to finish up anything related to the Guardian Games. To start things off, a god roll on either the Taraxippos or the Title would be great, alongside obtaining materials via event card challenges.
Completing event card challenges also finishes triumph objectives, eventually unlocking the "Champ" seal. One of the core mechanics of Guardian Games this year is to accumulate enough points via a special game mode, collect medals, and deposit them for rewards.
As for other gear, here is a list of weapons that will be going out with the arrival of Season of the Deep. Players are recommended to get whatever is necessary for powerful load-outs, or else they will need to wait for future seasons or even expansions.
2) Destiny 2 Lake of Shadows Nightfall
Lake of Shadows will be the final Strike to feature as a Nightfall in Season of Defiance. Players will be given the chance to farm for Adept weapons within Grandmaster difficulty as well. With numerous changes to the core objectives and mechanics tied to this Strike, players will need to be careful at certain places.
The Champions that will spawn will include Unstoppable and Barrier Champions, alongside Arc Threat. Surges will include Strand and Solar, with Machine Guns as Overcharged weapons. The weapon tied to the reward pool of Lake of Shadows for the final week of Season 20 will be The Swarm Machine Gun, with its Adept version in Grandmaster.
Bonus Vanguard ranks will also help everyone in achieving multiple resets on Zavala for the seasonal ritual weapon and its ornament. This will apply to all activities, including Gambit and Crucible as well.
3) Pinnacle rotators
Lastly, the pinnacle rotators will have the King's Fall Raid alongside the Grasp of Avarice Dungeon. Completing the final encounter of both activities will drop a +2 pinnacle gear for a random slot.