Hua Mulan in Age of Empires Mobile is a legendary archer commander, celebrated for her exceptional combat skills and tactical prowess. As one of the strongest commanders in the game, she specializes in Warrior, Attack, and Secondary Strike abilities, allowing her to deal substantial damage in battles. Mulan's unique skill set includes continuous shooting that inflicts multiple strikes on enemies. Her high hero rating boosts her effectiveness on the battlefield, making her an invaluable asset for players looking to dominate their opponents.
This article will provide essential insights to enhance your gameplay with Hua Mulan.
All skills of Hua Mulan in Age of Empires Mobile explained

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- Skill 1: Flying Swallow (Commander Skill)
- Skill 2: Starchaser (Signature Skill)
- Skill 3: Armor Piercer
- Skill 4: Infuriation
- Skill 5: Act of Mercy
- Skill 6: Double Attack
- Skill 7: Furious Charge
- Skill 8: Weak Spot Attack
Flying Swallow (Commander Skill)
This skill allows Hua Mulan to shoot continuously, dealing four strikes of might damage to the target (Damage rate: 43.21%, might bonus) while granting 150 initial rage when she joins a battle.
Starchaser (Signature Skill)
This skill is activated after launching a normal attack. It deals an extra instance of might damage to the target (Damage rate: 83.44%, might bonus), which has a 50% chance of becoming three instances of might damage (Damage rate: 41.72%, might bonus).
Armor Piercer
This skill deals might damage to the enemy troops after the launch of a normal attack (Damage rate: 55.75%, might bonus) and reduces all enemy heroes’ armor by 14.90 for 3s.
After launching a normal attack, deals might damage to the enemy troop (Damage rate: 55.75%, might bonus) while boosting the hero’s might by 14.90 for 3s.
Act of Mercy
After launching a normal attack, deals might damage to the enemy troops (Damage rate: 47.47%, might bonus). Increases the player's rate of dealing damage by 2.00% (up to 100%) whenever the target loses 1% of its units.
Double Attack
Upon activation, this skill allows players to enter the double attack state and increases the hero’s might, strategy, and armor by 4.04 for 3s.
Furious Charge
Every time the hero activates their signature skill (except for passive skills), the Furious Charge increases the hero’s might damage by 3.94% and works its way up to five stacks.
Weak Spot Attack
This skill is also activated after the launch of a normal attack. It deals a huge amount of might damage to the enemy troop (Damage rate: 74.74%, might bonus) and increases the hero’s damage by 6.06% (might bonus) for 3s.
Also read: Josephine in Age of Empires Mobile guide: All skills, best tree builds, and more
Hua Mulan in Age of Empires Mobile: All stats
Here are all the base stats for Hua Mulan in Age of Empires Mobile:
- Might: 96.98 (+0.96)
- Armor: 65.50 (+0.64)
- Strategy: 74.04 (+0.68)
- Siege: 45.78 (+0.43)
Best tree build for Hua Mulan in Age of Empires Mobile

Take a look at the best tree build for Hua Mulan in Age of Empires Mobile:
Talent 1: Military Tactics Mastery
- Activate Commander Normal Attack Damage, Commander Skill Damage, Commander's Damage, Siege Increase, and Field Battle XP.
Talent 2: Intrepid Warrior
- Left Nodes - Activate all.
- Right Nodes - Activate Normal Attack Damage Reduction, Skill Damage Reduction, Damage Reduction, Field Battle Damage Increase, Siege Increase, Strategy Increase, and Gathering Defense.
Talent 3: Strength in Numbers
- Left Nodes - Activate Commander's Damage.
- Right Nodes - Activate only Strategy Increase.
Talent 4: Crushing Blow
- Left Node - Activate Normal Attack Damage Reduction and Gathering Protection.
- Right Node - Activate Skill Damage Reduction, and Gathering Defense.
Talent 5: War Hardened
- Left Node - Activate Troop's Health Bonus, Rally Damage, and Solo Damage.
- Right Node - Activate Strategy Increase, and Troop's Health Bonus.
Talent 6: Bulwark
- Activate Troop's Attack Bonus and Troop's Defense Bonus.
Best pairings for Hua Mulan in Age of Empires Mobile
Hua Mulan in Age of Empires Mobile is best used by combining with these heroes:
- Attila the Hun
- Bellevue
- Josephine
- Rani Durgavati
- Cui Ruyi
- King Derrick
Also read: Age of Empires Mobile heroes tier list: The best characters you should use
FAQs on Hua Mulan in Age of Empires Mobile
What is the rarity of Hua Mulan?
Hua Mulan has a Legendary rarity in Age of Empires Mobile.
What is Hua Mulan's unit type?
Hua Mulan is a warrior with the Archer unit type.