In Pokemon GO, Dark-types are the preferred selection for players who enjoy a mischievous approach. Referred to as the "evil" type in Japan, these creatures do not typically embody the cute and friendly aspects commonly associated with the franchise. Instead, they cater to trainers who appreciate a slight edginess in their team selection.
In the main series, Dark-types showcase exceptional prowess in the art of stalling during battles persistently, keeping their opponents in a state of frustration until they identify an opportune moment to launch a cunning and unexpected strike. However, in the simplified battle system of Pokemon GO, Dark-types possess greater offensive power, making them formidable attackers.
Due to their immunity to Psychic-types and fewer vulnerabilities compared to other types, having any of these top 10 Dark-type Pokemon will strengthen your party in Pokemon GO.
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Hydreigon, Tyranitar, and eight other best Dark-types in Pokemon GO
1) Weavile

This Dark/Ice undergoes evolution from Sneasel by utilizing a hundred candies and a Sinnoh Stone. Despite Weavile's weakness to six types, it compensates with its impressive attack stat of 243. With a maximum CP of 3397, this Pokemon surpasses the average.
Best moves for Weavile in Pokemon GO - Snarl and Foul (13.50 DPS)
2) Darkrai

Darkrai is a mythical creature known for its eerie origins that involve inducing slumber in people and manipulating their dreams to its liking. This Pokemon is a Pure Dark-type and is only weak to three types, making it an excellent choice for battles. With its maximum CP of 4227, Darkrai is a formidable force.
Best moves for Darkrai in Pokemon GO - Faint Attack and Dark Pulse (14.78 DPS)
3) Zarude

Zarude is another mythical creature that resides as the dominant alpha among other Pokemon within the dense forest. This fierce critter belongs to the Dark/Grass type and has a maximum CP of 4334.
Best moves for Zarude in Pokemon GO - Bite and Dark Pulse (13.54 DPS)
4) Guzzlord

Guzzlord is a Dark/Dragon Legendary Ultra Beast from Alola Region. It is known as an insatiable beast, possessing an unyielding hunger that constantly has it consuming anything in its path. This formidable threat has made its mark not only in the games and anime but also in Pokemon GO.
With a maximum CP of 3264, this creatureis an absolute force to be reckoned with and will undoubtedly wreak havoc as a member of your party.
Best moves for Guzzlord in Pokemon GO - Snarl and Brutal Swing (14.04 DPS)
5) Yveltal

Yveltal, a Dark/Flying type legendary Pokemon, possesses the unique ability to absorb the life force of living beings. It is said to draw upon the life energy of its surroundings, transforming itself into a cocoon to sustain its own existence. Known as the harbinger of death, this powerful Pokemon has a maximum CP of 4275
Best moves for Yveltal in Pokemon GO - Snarl and Dark Pulse (14.35 DPS)
6) Tyranitar

Tyranitar, a Rock/Dark type pseudo-legendary Pokemon, is known for its ability to topple entire mountains to create its nest. Roaming the mountains, it actively seeks out challenges and offers to engage in battle.
Tyranitar is the final evolution of Larvitar and requires a total of 125 candies to reach its ultimate form with a maximum CP of 4335. It would be a mistake not to have this Pokemon in your party.
Best moves for Tyranitar in Pokemon GO - Bite and Brutal Swing (15.89 DPS)
7) Mega Absol

Legend has it that whenever Mega Absol makes an appearance, a natural disaster is sure to follow. It possesses the ability to harness its mega-evolution energy and emit a daunting aura that can overpower those who lack courage. This pure Dark-type has a maximum CP of 373.
Best moves for Mega Absol in Pokemon GO - Snarl and Dark Pulse (19.23 DPS)
8) Hydreigon

Hydreigon, a pseudo-legendary Pokemon of the Dark/Dragon type from the Unova region, is renowned for its savage nature as it rampages through the skies, leaving destruction in its wake.
It is the ultimate evolution of the Deino line and demands a total of 125 candies to unleash its full potential with a maximum CP of 4098.
Best moves for Hydreigon in Pokemon GO - Bite and Brutal (16.75 DPS)
9) Mega Gyarados

Without a doubt, Gyarados stands as one of the most renowned Pokemon in this roster. When it undergoes mega evolution, it transforms into a formidable Water/Dark type. This sea serpent is rumored to exhibit even greater ferocity, capable of splitting ships in half with its incredible speed.
While evolving from a Magikarp demands 400 candies, the payoff is certainly worthwhile, considering Gyarados has an impressive maximum CP of 5332.
Best moves for Mega Gyarados in Pokemon GO - Bite and Crunch (19.49 DPS)
10) Mega Houndoom

Houndoom, a Pokemon hailing from the Johto region, possesses the dual typing of Dark and Fire. They are recognized for their tendency to travel in packs and establish their leaders through battles among themselves.
When Houndoom undergoes mega evolution, its entire body emits such intense heat internally that it can even cause discomfort to itself. To evolve a Houndour into Houndoom, 50 candies are required, which results in a mega evolution with a maximum CP of 4344.
Best moves for Mega Houndoom in Pokemon GO - Snarl and Foul Play (21.91 DPS)
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