Throughout the vast world of Pokemon, trainers have encountered a diverse array of creatures possessing remarkable abilities and captivating designs. Among the various types, Grass-types stand out for their connection to nature and unique combination of offensive and defensive skills. From the nostalgic choice of picking Bulbasaur and Chikorita in the early games to Ash's Sceptile defeating May's Blaziken in the anime, Grass-types connect with us more than just stories and party choices.
Out of the 140 Grass creatures, let's rank the top representatives across all generations. These rankings consider factors such as lore and versatility in battle but mainly focus on stats.
Tangrowth, Kartana and 8 other Grass-type Pokemon ranked
10) Tangrowth (Grass)

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Tangrowth, a sizable creature adorned with black body draped with long, vibrant blue vines, resembles a shrub. Its unique physiology allows it to wield bundles of these vines as arms, skillfully ensnaring its prey.
Despite its lack of popularity, Tangrowth proves to be a valuable addition to your party. This pure Grass-type made its debut in the Sinnoh region as the evolved form of Tangela from the Kanto region.
Stat Breakdown -
- HP - 100
- Attack - 100
- Defence - 125
- Special Attack - 110
- Special Defence - 50
- Speed - 50
- Total - 535
9) Wo-Chien (Dark/Grass)

According to ancient legends, Wo-Chien is a vengeful spirit. Wrought from the torment of a person who dared to expose the wicked deeds of the Galor king on wooden tablets, it transformed itself into a living being.
Cloaked in decaying leaves, this mysterious entity drains the life force from the surrounding vegetation. This results in the withering of nearby forests and the transformation of once-fertile fields into desolate wastelands.
Stat Breakdown -
- HP - 85
- Attack - 85
- Defence - 100
- Special Attack - 95
- Special Defence - 135
- Speed - 70
- Total - 570
8) Brute Bonnet (Grass/Dark)

There is a possibility that the Paradox described as "Brute Bonnet" in a particular book may actually refer to the creatures being discussed. It resembles both a dinosaur and a mushroom.
Although it may not naturally acquire powerful physical Grass-type moves, it can learn them through various TMs. Furthermore, it learns Sunny Day, which complements its ability and allows strategic advantages.
Stat Breakdown -
- HP - 111
- Attack - 127
- Defence - 99
- Special Attack - 79
- Special Defence - 99
- Speed - 55
- Total - 570
7) Kartana (Grass/Steel)

Originating from the Ultra Wormhole, Kartana emerges as an Ultra Beast with a body as thin as paper yet sharp as a weapon. With a single stroke of its blade, it can effortlessly sever even the sturdiest of steel towers.
Kartana perfectly embodies the concept of a "glass cannon," possessing immense offensive power while lacking defensive capabilities.
Stat Breakdown -
- HP - 59
- Attack - 181
- Defence - 131
- Special Attack - 59
- Special Defence - 31
- Speed - 109
- Total - 570
6) Tapu Bulu (Grass/Fairy)

Known as the protector of Ula'ula, this legendary critter is a guardian deity. It stimulates vegetation growth, absorbing energy produced by flourishing life. In battle, it harnesses its commanding presence over plants to immobilize opponents before delivering a devastating blow with its horns.
Stat Breakdown -
- HP - 70
- Attack - 130
- Defence - 115
- Special Attack - 85
- Special Defence - 95
- Speed - 75
- Total - 570
5) Virizion (Grass/Fighting)

Virizion, one of the esteemed Swords of Justice, possesses horns atop its head that resemble razor-sharp blades. With its swift movements, this legendary creature surprises its opponents and cuts through their defenses.
Legend says Virizion, alongside Cobalion and Terrakion, are united in their mission to protect other pocket monsters in the Unova region.
Stat Breakdown -
- HP - 91
- Attack - 90
- Defence - 72
- Special Attack - 90
- Special Defence - 129
- Speed - 108
- Total - 580
4) Iron Leaves (Grass/Psychic)

Iron Leaves, a mechanical Paradox, resembles a futuristic counterpart to Virizion. Its sleek body boasts a polished, glossy appearance with a distinct metallic texture. Notably, the luminescent elements situated on its forehead and neck can metamorphose into ethereal swords.
Stat Breakdown -
- HP - 90
- Attack - 130
- Defence - 88
- Special Attack - 70
- Special Defence - 108
- Speed - 104
- Total - 590
3) Zarude (Dark/Grass)

In lush woodlands, this legendary beast thrives within a pack, surrounded by companions of its species. Possessing an intense and combative nature, it instills fear in other creatures in the forest.
As Zarude's vines tear away, they disintegrate, enriching the soil with vital nutrients that foster plant growth within the ecosystem.
Stat Breakdown -
- HP - 105
- Attack - 120
- Defence - 105
- Special Attack - 70
- Special Defence - 95
- Speed - 105
- Total - 600
2) Shaymin (Grass)

Hailing from the Sinnoh region, Shaymin is a legendary mythical creature with special status. Preferring flower patches, it disguises itself by curling up to resemble a blossoming plant, evading detection.
Shaymin's remarkable ability is its capability to purify the air of toxins, instantly revitalizing desolate terrain into vibrant fields adorned with flourishing flowers.
Stat Breakdown -
- HP - 100
- Attack - 100
- Defence - 100
- Special Attack - 100
- Special Defence - 100
- Speed - 100
- Total - 600
1) Celebi (Psychic/Grass)

A wanderer through time, this entity transcends eras, appearing as a revered forest guardian deity. Known to bolster grass and trees' vitality through its own intrinsic power, Celebi can restore and heal wounds.
Stat Breakdown -
- HP - 100
- Attack - 100
- Defence - 100
- Special Attack - 100
- Special Defence - 100
- Speed - 100
- Total - 600
From the earliest generations to the most recent, these creatures have showcased their battle prowess and connection to the natural world. Among all Grass-type, a few honorable mentions stand out as true icons.

Venusaur, the Grass/Poison, has a diverse move pool and a strong presence on the battlefield with its 525 total base stat.
Sceptile, the swift and agile pure Grass-type, has 530 base total.
Roserade, an elegant and graceful Grass/Poison, has 515 total stats.
Gogoat, a majestic Grass-type capable of carrying trainers on its back, has earned an honorable mention with a base stat of 531.
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