Pokemon Scarlet and Violet were originally released in November 2022, and it was only a matter of time before Game Freak began to consider adding extra content to the games. As a result, the Hidden Treasure of Area Zero, a two-part expansion, was created. The Teal Mask, the first chapter of this new DLC, has been released on September 13, 2023.
With the DLC launch still afresh, you might wonder about the Pokemon roster that should be made. Pokemon Scarlet and Violet allow players to form a team of six critters and complete the game eventually. However, having a set of specific creatures in your party makes the gameplay experience much smoother.
In this article, we will walk you through some of the best Pokemon you should use in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet after the release of the Teal Mask DLC.
(Note: This list is not ranked in any way. So, no creature is a better choice than the other. You can choose whichever monster fits your team as all of them are equally viable.)
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Snorlax, Milotic, and eight other monsters you should have in your Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Teal Mask DLC team
1) Snorlax

It has the following base stats:
- Health Points (HP): 160
- Attack: 110
- Defense: 65
- Special Attack: 65
- Special Defense: 110
- Speed: 30
Snorlax has about everything you would want from a creature on the battlefield. A decent elemental typing along with massive bulk and access to the Thick Fat ability, makes it an amazing pick for your team.
2) Milotic

It has the following base stats:
- HP: 95
- Attack: 60
- Defense: 79
- Special Attack: 100
- Special Defense: 125
- Speed: 81
Milotic is pretty fast for a Pokemon with such huge bulk. Not only does it get agility, but with a base Special Attack of 100, Milotic is also a hard-hitting creature in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet.
3) Crawdaunt

It has the following base stats:
- HP: 63
- Attack: 120
- Defense: 85
- Special Attack: 90
- Special Defense: 55
- Speed: 55
Access to the ability Adaptability is what makes Crawdaunt a massive threat on the battlefield. With moves like Crab Hammer and Close Combat, this creature can hit extremely hard. It also gest to use Dragon Dance which can let you sweep through many matches.
4) Politoed

It has the following base stats:
- HP: 90
- Attack: 75
- Defense: 75
- Special Attack: 90
- Special Defense: 100
- Speed: 70
You might want to use this creature for its supportive potential in your Teal Mask team. Drizzle-boosted Hydro Pump along with Ice Beam coverage makes Politoed a great choice in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet.
5) Vikavolt

It has the following base stats:
- HP: 77
- Attack: 70
- Defense: 90
- Special Attack: 145
- Special Defense: 75
- Speed: 43
Bug Buzz and Volt Switch are two very useful moves to have in your arsenal and Vikavolt does a great job at wielding them. While it has a terrible Speed stat, you could run Sticky Web on your Vikavolt to compensate for its lack of agility.
6) Clefable

It has the following base statistics:
- HP: 95
- Attack: 70
- Defense: 73
- Special Attack: 95
- Special Defense: 90
- Speed: 60
This Pocket Monster has a solid move pool with great stats and it should definitely be on your roster. Clefable's Fairy elemental typing also gives you decent typing coverage on the battlefield.
7) Ninetales

It has the following base stats:
- HP: 73
- Attack: 76
- Defense: 75
- Special Attack: 81
- Special Defense: 100
- Speed: 100
If you are someone who plays Pokemon Scarlet, you are probably aware of the creatures that synergize well with this critter and why we have placed Ninetales in this list. Great Tusk, Roaring Moon, and Walking Wake are some of Ninetales’ best teammates and help it shine in combat.
Ninetales has the potential to sweep teams with moves like Nasty Plot, Solar Beam, and Fire Blast.
8) Gliscor

It has the following base stats:
- HP: 75
- Attack: 95
- Defense: 125
- Special Attack: 45
- Special Defense: 75
- Speed: 95
If you are familiar with the competitive meta of Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, you will know that Toxic, U-Turn, and Roost are some of the moves that make Gliscor extremely deadly in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet. Gliscor also gets access to Poison Heal to negate the effects of a lot of Poison-type attackers.
Competitive viability aside, for your playthrough of the Teal Mask DLC, you can teach Gliscor moves like Swords Dance, Roost, Earthquake, and Stone Edge to take out a lot of the enemies on the battlefield.
9) Mamoswine

It has the following base stats:
- HP: 110
- Attack: 130
- Defense: 80
- Special Attack: 70
- Special Defense: 60
- Speed: 80
You will not really need any particular build or ability to hit the enemy with brute force while using Mamoswine in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet. With moves like Stone Edge, Earthquake, and Icicle Crash, this critter will rarely fail to deliver a deadly blow.
10) Kommo-o

It has the following base statistics:
- HP: 75
- Attack: 110
- Defense: 125
- Special Attack: 100
- Special Defense: 105
- Speed: 85
This pseudo-legendary Pocket Monster is too good to be slept on when forming your team in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet. Once you terastallize this creature and set it up with Clangorous Soul, Kommo-o will be one of the deadliest creatures to deal with in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet.
Even though it is a tera-boosted sweeper, it is definitely a creature that you should play around with in your battles during your playthrough of the Teal Mask DLC.
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