What are the best Rock-type Pokemon? The answer likely depends on how players critique each creature, as the best Rock-type Pocket Monsters available would certainly vary based on criteria like stats, competitive viability, type matchups, moves, and more. Put plainly, it makes a definitive answer quite difficult to come to, though there are some consensus top picks among fans.
Nevertheless, it doesn't hurt to take a look at some of the best Rock-type Pokemon in the series. To keep things relatively objective to a degree and avoid heaping multiple criteria on a single ranking, base stat totals have been used for comparison.
With that having been said, let's take a look at the best Rock-type creatures as of Generation IX based on their raw stats.
Note: Some aspects of this article are subjective and solely reflect the opinions of the writer
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Ranking the 10 best Rock-type Pokemon based on stat totals
10) Stakataka

Base Stats: 61 HP, 131 Atk, 211 Def, 53 Sp. Atk, 101 Sp. Def, 13 Spd
Total: 570
Although plenty of Rock-type Pokemon are known for their defensive capabilities, the Ultra Beast Stakataka takes that notion to the extreme. Also known as UB Assembly, this Jenga tower of a Pocket Monster is built to soak up damage regardless of whether it comes from physical attacks or special ones. However, trainers should not let that fact fool them into thinking it doesn't have offensive potential.
Thanks to a solid base Attack stat, Stakataka can still deal some quality physical damage with attacks like Rock Slide or Rock Blast. However, its low Speed stat and the fact that it has two double weaknesses (Fighting and Ground-type moves) means that this Rock/Steel-type creature is far from indestructible.
9) Nihilego

Base Stats: 109 HP, 53 Atk, 47 Def, 127 Sp. Atk, 131 Sp. Def, 103 Spd
Total: 570
While it has the same stat total as Stakataka, the Ultra Beast Nihilego gets the edge as a Pokemon thanks to its fairly rare Rock/Poison type combination and its focus on attacking with and defending from special moves. The fact that it has a much more useful base Speed stat also gives it some extra utility over the glacially-slow Stakataka.
Much like Stakataka, though, Nihilego has a double weakness to Ground-type attacks. This does hamstring Nihilego a bit, considering many moves of the element are physical, and the creature doesn't have a great base Defense stat.
8) Terrakion

Base Stats: 91 HP, 129 Atk, 90 Def, 72 Sp. Atk, 90 Sp. Def, 108 Spd
Total: 580
The Rock-type member of the Swords of Justice in the Unova Region beats out the previous two Ultra Beasts by a small margin, and it's a solid physical-based Pokemon.
Terrakion, like many of the best Rock-type creatures, benefits from mindful EV training and a well-rounded moveset. Access to the move, Sacred Sword, and an offensive attack of choice helps quite a bit as well.
Although Terrakion can be a solid offensive option as a Rock/Fighting-type Pokemon, it does languish in the fact that it possesses seven elemental weaknesses, which isn't ideal in many combat situations.
7) Regirock

Base Stats: 80 HP, 100 Attack, 200 Def, 50 Sp. Atk, 100 Sp. Def, 50 Spd
Total: 580
The Pokemon series' Rock-type member of the Legendary Giants/Titans sports a great physical defense and a diverse collection of learnable moves, either by leveling up or via TMs.
With a bit of EV training, Regirock can become a hulking defensive powerhouse or hybridize its battle approach between physical attacks and shrugging off physical moves.
Be that as it may, Regirock does suffer from having five elemental type weaknesses since it's a mono Rock-type creature. However, if trainers are cognizant of this, the Pocket Monster can still be a great defensive waller in a battle party.
6) Iron Boulder

Base Stats: 90 HP, 120 Atk, 80 Def, 68 Sp. Atk, 108 Sp. Def, 124 Spd
Total: 590
A Paradox iteration of Terrakion from the future in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, Iron Boulder receives 10 more base stat points. It doesn't have quite the same Attack stat-based damage output as Terrakion, but this can easily be fixed with EV training. Moreover, its increased Speed stat is a nice bonus. Additionally, the creature gains a secondary elemental type to become a Rock/Psychic-type critter.
The major downside to Iron Boulder is that its added Psychic-type element opens it up for weaknesses to Bug-, Dark-, and Ghost-type moves. It still has seven weaknesses total, like Terrakion, but the fact that so many exploitable type matchups exist for it does ding its utility quite a bit.
5) Diancie

Base Stats: 50 HP, 100 Atk, 150 Def, 100 Sp. Atk, 150 Sp. Def, 50 Spd
Total: 600
A Pokemon that isn't shy about being focused on defense like many Rock-type creatures before it, Diancie benefits in its stat spread thanks to being a mythical species. Its added Fairy typing is also rare. Oddly enough, after Mega Evolution, Diancie becomes more offense-oriented, but its standard form shouldn't be overlooked.
In addition to being able to shrug off physical and special attack damage, Diancie can still deal some solid pain of its own with moves like Moonblast, Stone Edge, and its signature move, Diamond Storm, the latter of which is both hard-hitting and incredibly accurate.
4) Tyranitar

Base Stats: 100 HP, 134 Atk, 110 Def, 95 Sp. Atk, 100 Sp. Def, 61 Spd
Total: 600
No list of the best Rock-type Pokemon would be complete without Tyranitar, the Rock/Dark-type pseudo-legendary evolution of Larvitar and Pupitar. With its domineering and fairly well-distributed stats (save for Speed) and a great collection of learnable moves that include Stone Edge, Dark Pulse, Crunch, Thrash, Giga Impact, Earthquake, and Sandstorm, what's not to love about Tyranitar?
As if this Generation II addition wasn't great enough, it also possesses the ability to Mega Evolve like Diancie and some other Rock-type creatures. Tyranitar is already an intimidating force, and Mega Evolution makes it one of the finest Rock- and Dark-type Pokemon in the series.
3) Mega Aerodactyl

Base Stats: 80 HP, 135 Atk, 85 Def, 70 Sp. Atk, 95 Sp. Def, 150 Spd
Total: 615
It's no surprise that some Mega Evolved Rock-type critters have risen to the rankings of some of the best of their kind, and Mega Aerodactyl is just one example. Although standard Aerodactyl isn't a bad Rock/Flying-type creature on its own, the stat boost it receives after Mega Evolution makes it arguably one of the best battlers to hold a Rock typing in the series.
Thanks to a high set of base Speed and Attack stats, Mega Aerodactyl can hit first and hit hard. Its innate capabilities will only reward trainers more if they're willing to EV train their Aerodactyl before activating Mega Evolution.
2) Mega Diancie

Base Stats: 50 HP, 160 Atk, 110 Def, 160 Sp. Atk, 110 Sp. Def, 110 Spd
Total: 700
Although Mega Diancie is simply a temporary evolution during battle, it still earns its mark on this list due to its stats being more offense-oriented while still having solid defensive capabilities against both physical and special attacks, alongside a respectable Speed stat. Mega Diancie also retains its unique Rock/Fairy type combo.
As previously noted, Diamond Storm was already a formidable move when used by an ordinary Diancie. Its damage output only increases alongside Diancie's stats after Mega Evolution takes place.
This Mega Pokemon is admittedly not the most hearty in the health department, but with incredibly well-rounded defenses and offensive stats, it might not have to worry about taking much damage.
1) Mega Tyranitar

Base Stats: 100 HP, 164 Atk, 150 Def, 95 Sp. Atk, 120 Sp. Def, 71 Spd
Total: 700
Although it carries the same total stat number as Mega Diancie, Mega Tyranitar takes the top spot as the best Rock-type Pokemon. This is thanks to how these stat points are distributed and the fact that the creature excels as both a Rock- and Dark-type attacker.
Much like Tyranitar, this Mega Evolution is a domineering physical force on the battlefield that also has the base defensive stats to be incredibly tanky via EV training.
Mega Tyranitar is a near-perfect mix of damage output and durability while having the bonus of being a dangerous Dark-type creature in battle. Sure, it possesses a double weakness to Fighting-type moves, but a seasoned trainer is well aware of this and plans accordingly. If its weaknesses are covered, players have an absolute titan on their side with Mega Tyranitar.