The Gen 7 Pokemon game Sun and Moon has released Alola Pokemon for the first time. There are 302 Alolan species in the game, some of which can be caught without much effort, while others need a lot of work. The Pokemon franchise first launched Sun and Moon in 2016, with the Gen 8 Sword and Shield hitting the market three years later. It then dropped two major titles, Legends Arceus and Scarlet and Violet, which also included Alolan monsters.
This list ranks the 10 hardest-to-capture Alola Pokemon based on their low catch rates in the Pokemon games.
Ranked list of the 10 Alola Pokemon with a low catch rate in Pokemon games
10) Jangmo-o

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Jangmo-o is a great pick for both offense and defense, but Sun and Moon trainers know how hard it is to catch this beast. There is a place called Vast Poni Canyon in Sun, Moon, Ultra Sun, and Ultra Moon. This Alola Pokemon can be spotted, battled, and caught in this location.
Jangmo-o only appears in Sword, Shield, Scarlet, and Violet, as role-playing games like Let’s GO Pikachu and Let’s GO Eevee don’t feature this Alolan monster. One can also encounter this Scaly in the Lake of Outrage, Challenge Road, and Potbottom Desert areas in Sword. On the other hand, one has to trade or migrate the creature in Shield. The Kitakami Pokedex describes Jangmo-o living in caves and barren areas.
9) Celesteela

With a unique body design based on rockets and missiles, it is no wonder that Celesteela’s code name is UB-04 Blaster. Despite being an Ultra Beast like Buzzwole and Nihilego, catching Celesteela in Pokemon games can be difficult. Like Jangmo-o, it boasts a catch rate of 45.
Celesteela is immune to Ground and Poison-type moves and is a dual Flying and Steel-type Pokemon. So, one needs counters, great Poke Balls, and strategy to catch it. Installments where trainers can find Celesteela are Moon and Ultra Moon. In the former, one has to go to Haina Desert or Malie Garden to encounter it. Trainers can also locate the Launch Pokemon in the Ultra Space of Alola region.
Players cannot find Celesteela in the wild in Pokemon games such as Sun, Ultra Sun, Sword, and Shield. So, they have to migrate or trade from other titles.
8) Minior

The catch rate of Minior is 15 points lower than that of Celesteela in Pokemon games. This means capturing the Meteor Pokemon is more difficult than the Ultra Beast. Minior has two distinct variants, Meteor Form and Core Form, and both boast impressive battle capabilities. Its Shields Down ability allows it to change stats when its HP is less than 50%, resulting in a massive stats boost.
Minior can be found in Mount Hokulani in Sun and Moon as well as the Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon. The Indigo Disk DLC of the Pokemon game Scarlet and Violet brought Minior back as well, but the details on its habitat are unrevealed.
However, this Alola Pokemon is unavailable in Let's Go Pikachu, Let's Go Eevee, Sword, Shield, Brilliant Diamond, Shining Pearl, and Legends Arceus. Unfortunately, trainers cannot use the trade or migrate option to get it either.
7) Blacephalon

Blacephalon is an Ultra Beast introduced during the launch of the Pokemon games Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon given the code name, UB Burst. It has the same ability as Celesteela, allowing it to boost the most needed stat when a Pokemon faints. Also known as the Fireworks Pokemon, one should approach Blacephalon carefully, or risk it making its head explode.
In Ultra Sun, this Alola Pokemon is found in Poni Grove, northeast of Ancient Poni Path and south of Poni Plains. But, the creature must be traded or migrated from other games in Ultra Moon, Sword, and Shield. When encountering the UB Brust, one must have proper counters to lower its HP and a Pokemon with the appropriate Status effects. This is essential since Blacephalon has a catch rate of 30 in Pokemon games.
6) Dhelmise

In Generation 7, the Pokemon game Sun and Moon introduced the Dark and Grass-type Dhelmise. Also known as the Sea Creeper Pokemon, its design is based on a boat’s anchor and helm. Dhelmise is a hard Pokemon to catch, thanks to its base stat total of 517 and immunity against Normal and Fighting-type moves. What’s more, the catch rate of the monster is 25, meaning it takes a lot of work to make the capture.
Dhelmise can be found in Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon, as well as in Sword and Shield. In the latter games, trainers can visit Route 9, Challenge Beach, or Frigid Sea to see the anchor-like creature. Moreover, they can go to the Seafolk Village, the Poni Island of the Alola region, in the Pokemon games Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon.
5) Magearna

The Mythical Pokemon Magearna is a resident of the Alola region in Pokemon games. It was released with the launch of the Sun and Moon titles. Just like Mewtwo, it is an artificial Pokemon created by a scientist 500 years ago. Players prefer to get their hands on it for multiple reasons, with the most apparent one being its Soul-Heart ability that boosts the Special Attack when another monster faints.
Despite being unavailable to capture, this Alola Pokemon has a catch rate of 3. One must trade or migrate from other installments to obtain it in Gen 7 and 8 Pokemon games. According to the Pokemon database, Magearna’s appearance location is unavailable yet.
4) Cosmog

In Sun, Moon, Ultra Sun, and Ultra Moon Pokemon games, Cosmog, a Mythical critter from the Alola region, boasts a catch rate of 3. Fans love its cosmic design, which resembles a nebula. It is also why the species is called Nebual Pokemon. It has an impressive stats distribution, sports Unaware ability, and is vulnerable to Bug, Ghost, and Dark-type moves.
Trainers should refrain from hunting for Cosmog in the wild in Sword and Shield as it is only obtainable through trade or migration. However, as mentioned in the first paragraph of this entry, there is a catch if one wishes to bag Cosmog in Pokemon games. Only by visiting the Lake of the Sunne in Sun and Ultra Sun can fans find the nebula-like creature. In addition, Moon and Ultra Moon players must be present in the Lake of the Moone to encounter and catch it.
3) Tapu family

The Tapu family of the Alola region has four guardian deities: Tapu Bulu, Tapu Fini, Tapu Lele, and Tapu Koko. They’re Legendary Pokemon with immense power and a catch rate of 3 in Pokemon games. While Tapu Koko is a guardian of Melemele Island, Tapu Lele looks after Akala Island, Tapu Bulu observes Ula’ula Island, and the deity of Poni Island is Tapu Fini. Interestingly, the secondary typing of all four monsters is Fairy.
Tapu Fini is found in the Ruins of Hope location in Pokemon games Sun, Moon, Ultra Sun, and Ultra Moon. Although one cannot encounter it in Sword and Shield, players can acquire this monster by trade or migration. Sadly, it is unavailable in Brilliant Diamond, Shining Pearl, Legends: Arceus, Let's Go Pikachu, and Let's Go Eevee.
2) Type: Null

Type: Null is a Normal-type Pokemon with Battle Armor ability that protects it from critical hits in Pokemon games. The monster appears ferocious due to its design, and many trainers look forward to catching it. Originally discovered in the Alola region, Type: Null can evolve into Silvally. Both evolutionary lines have the same catch rate of 3, meaning they are very challenging to get.
Trainers from the Sun and Moon/Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon games must use Poke Balls with high catch rates. Not only that, but they have to inflict damage to reduce Type: Null’s HP. It would help if they also utilize status conditions like frozen to capture the Synthetic Pokemon. In the Sun and Moon, one can encounter this Alola critter at the Aether Paradise. They can also locate it at Ancient Poni Path in the Ultra titles.
1) Necrozma

Necrozma is The final entry on this list, Necrozma is yet another Alola monster that is notoriously difficult-to-capture Alolan monster in the Pokemon games. It boasts a catch rate of 3 and can only be spotted in Ten Carat Hill, a location near Professor Kukui's Pokemon Research Lab in Sun and Moon titles. One must have effective counters as well as plenty of excellent Poke Balls to catch Necrozma.
In Pokemon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon, players can head to Mount Lanakila to meet Necrozma. Sadly, this Psychic-type Pokemon cannot be encountered and caught except for mentioned games. That said, one can trade or migrate it from other games.
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